The people saying git gud or "yer from WoW". Its great that you have a team with the perfect composition to clear and do savage. But some of us dont want to go super hardass mode just to do postgame content. And also, I STARTED with FFXIV in terms of real MMOs (cant count nexon stuff as real), I hated WoW for the longest time. When content becomes so hard that you must be the very definition of perfect then it is not good. cheap Blade & Soul Gold This is content that at least 30-50% of people should be able to accomplish, not 5%.
Lets hope 3.2 Raid as stated be around coil level again. If they pull the same thing again, they could get in trouble for subs. Happy holiday's to all of the devs! I know Christmas isn't super big in Japan like it is here in the US, but I hope you all have a wonderful New Year! smile emoticon
I hope I get to meet some of you at Fan Fest! Square Enix, you're a rational company. Act like it and give the FFXIV team more money so they can get more people on their team so Yoshi can make the content he wants to make. Like, say, 3 tiers of Alexander? Another EX dungeon? I feel like they are working too hard! They do need to have a bigger development division. Well ff xi is done so they will probably just keep a small team for maintenance and the rest hopefully get moved over and we see content more often. Ppl arguing about content being too hard, Blade and Soul Gold or lack of content thereof, dont realize that THIS is the real problem.
Merry Christmas Yoshi P, Soken and the rest of the awesome FFXIV team. Happy holidays dev team! You work so hard to bring us this amazing game! Thank you! I appreciate your hard work and vision that you share with us. Merry Christmas ffxiv team! I hope you do another one at eorzea cafe in Dec 2016 my wife and I will be there in akiba by then Thanks for the new Relic grind we all wanted to do the old content again so many more times ....... Christian Paul Afuang True.. it should be fine.. but we'll need to endorse the game especially put a video on Facebook to show other players It's epic! Nortz T. Lim We dont have to do that, 6k supporters are more than enough for NC to create an OCEANIA/SEA server, its really up to NCSOFT to decide and support their OCEANIA and SEA players. im sea player too playing NA server & it's works fine for me still managed to get 1680 n pvp.
Blade & Soul team
Just curious about 2 things! Will there be support for other language inputs to switch around from? Just like in Asia servers where they support multiple languge input. Second is the membership star icon beside the name, is there an option to not display this icon? Thanks~ Good insight. Been wanting to read/learn a bit more about the whole transmuting process. and the chances is slim are so slim , i burned 30g & got nothing decent Blade and Soul Buy Gold ..
This is one of the features I had a hard time with. Thanks for info. 26 days away, so close yet so far. The game needs to hurry so i can make a character just to stare at its butt. "Click to learn more" offers only founders pack, already have one. NO IP Block right? Im in Asian region, i want to play even i expect i will experience slight delay.
Did you guys have fun Beta Testing? Did you miss BT but still excited for launch? I'm going to be starting a fun guild off the get go and hope many people will partake so we can all play and learn and have fun together. I won't write to much on it but you can find the details here.Blade and Soul will be free to play with no IP plock except for Russia (CIS region). The game will go live on January 19th 2016.
You will have only two options.Blade and Soul Gold This is to play on the NA server or the EU sever. There is no plan at this stage to host a local server in your region. You will play with high latency, which makes it basically unplayable. Its not worth gambling through transmutation to get a rare perm costume unless youre loaded with gold. Better off to buy costumes off from cash shop lol. I only want to know 1 thing , what will be the price of VIP for 30 days. Probably $15 or so like most subscriptions. I might be wrong though. Hello Blade & Soul team. this is off topic but i did write on beta forums without any reply. Everytime i try download the client directly from the site or via email link it keeps telling me server not found. I had to remove launcher from computer as it kept failing to update. Been like this for about 3 weeks now.
I got a error like this when I did not apply cbt code properly, you have to apply the code in two different places, once when you enter it and once to apply to your account. If you did not have a code for any of the betas it would give you the same error.
This is one of the features I had a hard time with. Thanks for info. 26 days away, so close yet so far. The game needs to hurry so i can make a character just to stare at its butt. "Click to learn more" offers only founders pack, already have one. NO IP Block right? Im in Asian region, i want to play even i expect i will experience slight delay.
Did you guys have fun Beta Testing? Did you miss BT but still excited for launch? I'm going to be starting a fun guild off the get go and hope many people will partake so we can all play and learn and have fun together. I won't write to much on it but you can find the details here.Blade and Soul will be free to play with no IP plock except for Russia (CIS region). The game will go live on January 19th 2016.
You will have only two options.Blade and Soul Gold This is to play on the NA server or the EU sever. There is no plan at this stage to host a local server in your region. You will play with high latency, which makes it basically unplayable. Its not worth gambling through transmutation to get a rare perm costume unless youre loaded with gold. Better off to buy costumes off from cash shop lol. I only want to know 1 thing , what will be the price of VIP for 30 days. Probably $15 or so like most subscriptions. I might be wrong though. Hello Blade & Soul team. this is off topic but i did write on beta forums without any reply. Everytime i try download the client directly from the site or via email link it keeps telling me server not found. I had to remove launcher from computer as it kept failing to update. Been like this for about 3 weeks now.
I got a error like this when I did not apply cbt code properly, you have to apply the code in two different places, once when you enter it and once to apply to your account. If you did not have a code for any of the betas it would give you the same error.
Blade & Soul Founder’s Pack
I bought the founder's pack and apply a code several days ago . But I didnt receive any email about the alpha2 . I saw Purchase a Founder’s Pack before 5pm PDT on Oct 14 to get an invite into the #BladeandSoul Tech Alpha 2 this Friday! why So, for who is founder and will have access to the Alpha that starts tomorrow, you guys will send the download via email today? Or just tomorrow? How come I cannot login the game... Buy Blade and Soul Gold
Cheap Blade & Soul Gold ? I have a key and a founder's pack. You guys said it starts on the 16th and now it's the 17th and I still can't log in.
Now that I'm in The game gets an easy 4/5 for people who can appreciate the styling and humor; and are willing to change up a LOT of the default controls. For me anyway the various menus seem to be bound to un-intuitive keys.For your average person/gamer I don't think it will score as highly BUT THAT'S OK. It is a nice game that fills a specific role, please don't change it!...I take that back, re-record the word "conches" to have it pronounced properly as "Conks"AND the side/min-quest of growing your hongmoon weapon needs to be adjusted to provide the reward should you upgrade upon receiving the "element" (?) item, prior to accepting the quest. I wanted to join but your website won't let me make Blade and Soul Gold an account and I can't use the support feature without one... I received an Alpha code and have downloaded the client. However, I cannot connect to servers even though it is past the date and time listed on the invite. Additionally, I cannot access Alpha bug report forums to post about the problem. Is this intended? The forum seems like it could use some work. Alpha would be pointless if we can give you feedback or resolve technical issues.
Hi i need help, i know i'm late on the alpha week because i was away for school and recently just buyed the founders pack is there anyway i still can get in? I totally dislike the Inspect Character Feature !!!
I don't want someone copy my buildup! or avoid me in PVP because he already knew what my items capable of, or people being so choosy in party members... I've just purchased the a founderpack , where can I download the game?? A day or two before CBT begins, you will receive an email with your CBT code and a Download link. So any fixes for the Constant client Errors players have been getting like Client Error 4041? would be nice to get some form of confirmation or at least address the issues. I have just clicked on the apply the BnS code in main website. I couldn't do it before. Is it any bug or something wrong?
I will rather play Blade and Soul than Black Desert
Too bad Blade and Soul pretty much still alive even in KR and CN server the population are too high, not even close to dead and I think it will be the same too in NA market. Personally I will rather play Blade and Soul than Black Desert, Black Desert have a nice graphic but Blade and Soul have a better PVP and Gameplay System. If there wasn't a market for this game then NCSoft wouldn't be bringing it to this region. Does anyone remember how they tried to do it last year and then ended up disappearing for god knows how long? Probably because they were unsure of it then Blade and Soul Gold . But things have changed, obviously.
yes things have changed new mmorpg games out there a whole new level. blade and soul is old the system the graphic. maybe it release 4 years ago then people really into it but now nahhhh. if u really love pvp then search moonlight blade awesome game but i guess it wont come to us....If u want pvp go play cabal, i played cabal for almost 4 years but the game is getting bored so i quit. i played blade and soul china version 2 years ago i really like it back then. but now u gotta step up with the game man. Awsm Storm lol ur first time play mmorpg??? if u dont want to farm for lvl go play counter strike or tetris. great news for ya too idiot there will be bots in the game like archage... i rather buy to play than ruined the game with bunch of bots and hacker dumbass.
every game will get bored after awhile same for bns. but if bns was release 4 years ago it would be big. they are taking their sweet time and destroy the game Blade and Soul Buy Gold .
every game will get bored after awhile same for bns. but if bns was release 4 years ago it would be big. they are taking their sweet time and destroy the game. this game system is old plus crappy graphic. That's true, combat in BnS gets pretty boring. So is endgame. The only good feature it has is probably PvP because you don't play vs CPU so yea... It is sad that he talks about system and graphics as if that is what games nowadays are about. IT WAS NEVER ABOUT GRAPHICS. Its about gameplay, story, music etc. People still play maplestory and old school rune scape. LIKE thos games have no graphics. And Black desert may look cool but my friend said it gets boring a little too fast.
yes things have changed new mmorpg games out there a whole new level. blade and soul is old the system the graphic. maybe it release 4 years ago then people really into it but now nahhhh. if u really love pvp then search moonlight blade awesome game but i guess it wont come to us....If u want pvp go play cabal, i played cabal for almost 4 years but the game is getting bored so i quit. i played blade and soul china version 2 years ago i really like it back then. but now u gotta step up with the game man. Awsm Storm lol ur first time play mmorpg??? if u dont want to farm for lvl go play counter strike or tetris. great news for ya too idiot there will be bots in the game like archage... i rather buy to play than ruined the game with bunch of bots and hacker dumbass.
every game will get bored after awhile same for bns. but if bns was release 4 years ago it would be big. they are taking their sweet time and destroy the game Blade and Soul Buy Gold .
every game will get bored after awhile same for bns. but if bns was release 4 years ago it would be big. they are taking their sweet time and destroy the game. this game system is old plus crappy graphic. That's true, combat in BnS gets pretty boring. So is endgame. The only good feature it has is probably PvP because you don't play vs CPU so yea... It is sad that he talks about system and graphics as if that is what games nowadays are about. IT WAS NEVER ABOUT GRAPHICS. Its about gameplay, story, music etc. People still play maplestory and old school rune scape. LIKE thos games have no graphics. And Black desert may look cool but my friend said it gets boring a little too fast.
Blade & Soul closed beta
We're hosting Sattelizergames right now on Twitch! Is the server online right now in NA? Have been trying to log in for 2 days now but always stuck in intro screen. can u see the menu for log in? A box appears that allows me to log in, it works and then the launcher appears, I press play so it launches the Game but the Game itself is just the looping intro Blade and Soul Gold . activate your code first from their website. The code that you received in your email. I had already applied the code.
Hi there! Can i ask? How many gig does the blade and soul have? And how about the specs? Hello. May i ask if the cbt client would work for the obt version too? Thankyou. There's no obt, just launch after CBT 5. I recieved the key for closed beta for the weekend and i have a trouble with the game, when i opened the game i cant did click for continue to menu... So how many character slots will free to play people have access to? Why i can't login ? Disconnected from server due error ? My internet connection is strong.
i have a problem on the game, when i starte is work but when i am on the game i got stuck in into screen frown emoticon cant find the menu for log in, any solution? Blade & Soul Gold Anyone have any extra codes they are willing to part ways with, messageme it if possible, thanks! Dungeons hunting party. pvp professional technician check winding Lynn inspection history. here's a season to be loli trollalalala lalalala.
Dudes u need to activate beta key from ur blade and soul web portal before u gain actual access to cbt. We're hosting Sattelizergames playing the Blade & Soul closed beta and giving away beta keys and Razer gear! so far so good! I'm loving the graphics, effects, and story line of this game. Hope this won't disappoint me in the mid level where it kinda gets repetitive.. Looking forward for more cinematics. Can't play the game when I log in windows says module stops working then it force closes please fix this. i have a question when the beta is over do we get to keep our character? There won't be an open beta, straight to game after this.
Hi there! Can i ask? How many gig does the blade and soul have? And how about the specs? Hello. May i ask if the cbt client would work for the obt version too? Thankyou. There's no obt, just launch after CBT 5. I recieved the key for closed beta for the weekend and i have a trouble with the game, when i opened the game i cant did click for continue to menu... So how many character slots will free to play people have access to? Why i can't login ? Disconnected from server due error ? My internet connection is strong.
i have a problem on the game, when i starte is work but when i am on the game i got stuck in into screen frown emoticon cant find the menu for log in, any solution? Blade & Soul Gold Anyone have any extra codes they are willing to part ways with, messageme it if possible, thanks! Dungeons hunting party. pvp professional technician check winding Lynn inspection history. here's a season to be loli trollalalala lalalala.
Dudes u need to activate beta key from ur blade and soul web portal before u gain actual access to cbt. We're hosting Sattelizergames playing the Blade & Soul closed beta and giving away beta keys and Razer gear! so far so good! I'm loving the graphics, effects, and story line of this game. Hope this won't disappoint me in the mid level where it kinda gets repetitive.. Looking forward for more cinematics. Can't play the game when I log in windows says module stops working then it force closes please fix this. i have a question when the beta is over do we get to keep our character? There won't be an open beta, straight to game after this.
it's free to downloadBlade and Soul except for the expansion
So it's free to download the game except for the expansion? Haven't found anything free.. have to buy it. What is the version I have to buy to be able to play the game? Since there are many versions I don't want to waste money in the wrong one. Realm reborn. And it's pay to play. And yes the exspanion you have to buy. But it's worth it. pls buff ninja, tested so many time with friends, ninja run out tp still way too faster than all classes in 3.1, still I dont use DoT skill at all, pls remove all the previous nerf to ninja! remove the stupid aggro skills and change to Blade and Soul Gold some attack skill, I never used them since learned, they so useless.
Rico Valentine Glad some people can do elementary level math around here. You forgot to add in the fact that you get 50 free Dragon Bags, which is about 20 euros on top of your total. You would also need to spend about 45 euros in order to achieve level 4 permium account, so that brings it closer to more like 250 euros.
If you plan on using even a portion of the Master Pack in the long run, it is much more financially worth it than spending on each feature individually.
If you have no capacity for planning for the future then leave it be. Free to play game after all. Paying is optional. Everyone making this way harder than it actually is Blade & Soul Gold .
Would be fair prices if the Real (Brasilian money) wasn't so low Don′t worry, in less than a year they will be the ones at the forum complaining about how they bought the founder pack and they got milked for it for a mediocre service and unupdated game years behind the original one in a 4 year delay since the game was out. Some people even argue early access is worth it... while a CBT key is worth a few cents.... They traded this game for Wildstar and when they realized that Wildstar was a fluke, they focused on this.
NCSoft is fake el oh el.
Rico Valentine Glad some people can do elementary level math around here. You forgot to add in the fact that you get 50 free Dragon Bags, which is about 20 euros on top of your total. You would also need to spend about 45 euros in order to achieve level 4 permium account, so that brings it closer to more like 250 euros.
If you plan on using even a portion of the Master Pack in the long run, it is much more financially worth it than spending on each feature individually.
If you have no capacity for planning for the future then leave it be. Free to play game after all. Paying is optional. Everyone making this way harder than it actually is Blade & Soul Gold .
Would be fair prices if the Real (Brasilian money) wasn't so low Don′t worry, in less than a year they will be the ones at the forum complaining about how they bought the founder pack and they got milked for it for a mediocre service and unupdated game years behind the original one in a 4 year delay since the game was out. Some people even argue early access is worth it... while a CBT key is worth a few cents.... They traded this game for Wildstar and when they realized that Wildstar was a fluke, they focused on this.
NCSoft is fake el oh el.
Mateusz Gil Blade dancer is the last
early october Mateusz Gil Blade dancer is the last xD, Blade master was the first. Wilson Eng Can't wait to release my koreean soul! You haven't yet seen my final form, damnit! Next beta is December 11 and end December 14 come on just 3 days not cool Blade & Soul why we can't use paysafecard anymore on your website? Buy Blade and Soul Gold I dont want to see Verification Code anymore..i got 9 Codes in 5 days..

I'm a big fan of the game ! the only problem that preventing me to enjoy BnS to the full extent is the network connection. frown emoticon I hope there is going to be a sever in South East Asia. guys any help??? i install the game but can't play it...i want to play please help can't connect to the server it say... You have applied your key to your account on the NCSoft site?
All I can suggest is to try again. Servers are up for another 12+ hours (from this writing)..... I see. Well, the program is not working because you do not have a Beta Key. Servers are offline now. Next Beta (#4) starts Friday December 11 at 10:00 AM PST. Get a key before then! It's not hard! Don't watch Facebook, they give info out too late. Create an account and watch the forums daily, they will let you know when a company is having a big giveaway (probably a few days before Dec 11). Also, many members will have unneeded keys and give them away (that will happen like one to two days before the 11th) Blade and Soul Buy Gold .
oh so sad its my birthday today and still trying for that beta key...anyway i try it again nextweek pls help me to have it...i hope i can talk to GM so ge can help me thank you Brian Sharwood for the info...hope to see you in game guys any idea when the nest beta key giveaway is gona be ? Have you seen new show Tha Badlands Jay! Right up your ally! Kind of gory though! by any chance would you be nice and release warlock on release? i got a question for u ADMIN...if i Customize my Char(hero), when the game is launch will i be able to apply it to my new creation ?

I'm a big fan of the game ! the only problem that preventing me to enjoy BnS to the full extent is the network connection. frown emoticon I hope there is going to be a sever in South East Asia. guys any help??? i install the game but can't play it...i want to play please help can't connect to the server it say... You have applied your key to your account on the NCSoft site?
All I can suggest is to try again. Servers are up for another 12+ hours (from this writing)..... I see. Well, the program is not working because you do not have a Beta Key. Servers are offline now. Next Beta (#4) starts Friday December 11 at 10:00 AM PST. Get a key before then! It's not hard! Don't watch Facebook, they give info out too late. Create an account and watch the forums daily, they will let you know when a company is having a big giveaway (probably a few days before Dec 11). Also, many members will have unneeded keys and give them away (that will happen like one to two days before the 11th) Blade and Soul Buy Gold .
oh so sad its my birthday today and still trying for that beta key...anyway i try it again nextweek pls help me to have it...i hope i can talk to GM so ge can help me thank you Brian Sharwood for the info...hope to see you in game guys any idea when the nest beta key giveaway is gona be ? Have you seen new show Tha Badlands Jay! Right up your ally! Kind of gory though! by any chance would you be nice and release warlock on release? i got a question for u ADMIN...if i Customize my Char(hero), when the game is launch will i be able to apply it to my new creation ?
Blade & Soul will we have our premium membership reset
1. Wardrobe: why not make it free for one character in the account
2. Translation: be more serious, story is not a joke! I love the story!
3. Bots: just keep 1 copper drop/0 copper quest! I like it! Make you farm more! No lazy ppl.
There will be a new map update on next week? For now, the CBT becoming boring, I have nothing to do ingame. So, if the Fleet supply chain update on next week, that will be great.. There are no open beta ! Just a straight release on Jan -19! And it will be available for both NA/EU. Guys check out my site and prepare for future streams on blade and soul! Dont be afraid to talk about it too Blade & Soul also watch for Blade and Soul Buy Gold !.
Blade & Soul will we have our premium membership reset? for us the ppl who activated our master packs on the beta? Joel Serrano Duh which game sells stuff for you only to have it in beta? The packs are supposed to be for the release version, so getting access to it in beta is like a bonus. Joel Serrano everything will be reset at launch as if it has never been used before. Nothing carries over from beta to launch. This was discussed earlier. So the answer to your question is yes premium membership will be reset to the original as if you never used your master's pack goodies including the ncoin. can anyone (an admin plz) tell me if we gonna lose all our progress in game when its launched. so i have to start form th beggining? bad news to me considering ive done a lot of thing in beta, They already told us from the beginning, ''all characters from CBT will be wiped at launch'Blade and Soul Gold '.
2. Translation: be more serious, story is not a joke! I love the story!
3. Bots: just keep 1 copper drop/0 copper quest! I like it! Make you farm more! No lazy ppl.
There will be a new map update on next week? For now, the CBT becoming boring, I have nothing to do ingame. So, if the Fleet supply chain update on next week, that will be great.. There are no open beta ! Just a straight release on Jan -19! And it will be available for both NA/EU. Guys check out my site and prepare for future streams on blade and soul! Dont be afraid to talk about it too Blade & Soul also watch for Blade and Soul Buy Gold !.
Blade & Soul will we have our premium membership reset? for us the ppl who activated our master packs on the beta? Joel Serrano Duh which game sells stuff for you only to have it in beta? The packs are supposed to be for the release version, so getting access to it in beta is like a bonus. Joel Serrano everything will be reset at launch as if it has never been used before. Nothing carries over from beta to launch. This was discussed earlier. So the answer to your question is yes premium membership will be reset to the original as if you never used your master's pack goodies including the ncoin. can anyone (an admin plz) tell me if we gonna lose all our progress in game when its launched. so i have to start form th beggining? bad news to me considering ive done a lot of thing in beta, They already told us from the beginning, ''all characters from CBT will be wiped at launch'Blade and Soul Gold '.
Daniel KrascsenitsI heard there's no Open Beta though.
Yeiner Lmus since it was closed beta which are like a testing period so its pretty much you have to start over from beginning. They do this in all closed betas, no matter what game you play. Blade & Soul thats really annoying why not ??? i know how you feel yeiner xD after around 46 narrow runs to get my evolve weapon .. just to run out of keys and have to end up buying one for NCcoins .... i kinda feel connected to my work on that account xD.
Thanks for the second closed beta invite blade and soul
Closed Beta 3 is running for a week, starting with an Arena Invitational event with Jaesung Lee, and supported by Alienware.Hello all. I play last CB,but now failed Buy Blade and Soul Gold connect to server. frown emoticon Why? Unless you have a Founder's Pack, you will need a new key for each beta. If you even have a founders pack and still says that then just wait till the servers are up. oh dam thats why i cant log in ha everyweek i need to have another Key? For some rason i couldnt use my key for beta 2 . Can i use it for beta 3 ? they give out to non-founders's pack purchasers a CBT key only every weekend.
Sir the said launching this coming january is Philippines included in it? Kwstas Gkikas can u give me link? I cant see any key more. Error 503 - Extremely High Traffic Blade and Soul Gold - Please try again shortly... So, the previous closed beta key no longer works? bleh.. see you ppl in january. This cbt 3 key can only be obtained through the Alienware website? Guys, if there's an extra key on the close beta test 3 , let it please : 3. Last time I check it said there's 7k+ left on Alienware site after you login. TFW you miss your beta key for the second week... Ah well. Stoked for January 19.
Thanks for the second closed beta invite blade and soul, you rock! Oğuzhan Dere most of us sign up for beta i already got a key for 3 beta's so far grin emoticon and im happy i don't have to wait for the giveaways or anything thats why i love ncsoft and their games. aah i just got a Key for Closed Beta so where can i download the game ..? How come this game is 4 years old, and high end PC's have low fps? I always have around 10-20 fps on low and high graphics. My pc is not high end, but it runs Crysis 3 and similar game on good quality without any problems. Guess they still have leading issues for.campaign quest areas. Still can't get past the same.part as close beta 2 causes the client to crash out and disconnect from server due to load time .. smh We have to uninstall B&S to install a new version when the open game start the next year? i got a key last beta wil i be able to join this also or do i need a new key? if you read the CBT info, you should see "If you have CBT key 2, you will only be able to join CBT 2".
Sir the said launching this coming january is Philippines included in it? Kwstas Gkikas can u give me link? I cant see any key more. Error 503 - Extremely High Traffic Blade and Soul Gold - Please try again shortly... So, the previous closed beta key no longer works? bleh.. see you ppl in january. This cbt 3 key can only be obtained through the Alienware website? Guys, if there's an extra key on the close beta test 3 , let it please : 3. Last time I check it said there's 7k+ left on Alienware site after you login. TFW you miss your beta key for the second week... Ah well. Stoked for January 19.
Thanks for the second closed beta invite blade and soul, you rock! Oğuzhan Dere most of us sign up for beta i already got a key for 3 beta's so far grin emoticon and im happy i don't have to wait for the giveaways or anything thats why i love ncsoft and their games. aah i just got a Key for Closed Beta so where can i download the game ..? How come this game is 4 years old, and high end PC's have low fps? I always have around 10-20 fps on low and high graphics. My pc is not high end, but it runs Crysis 3 and similar game on good quality without any problems. Guess they still have leading issues for.campaign quest areas. Still can't get past the same.part as close beta 2 causes the client to crash out and disconnect from server due to load time .. smh We have to uninstall B&S to install a new version when the open game start the next year? i got a key last beta wil i be able to join this also or do i need a new key? if you read the CBT info, you should see "If you have CBT key 2, you will only be able to join CBT 2".
OBT drop rate
I know you weren't able to keep it from the get go. But you still haven't answered my question rofl. Why sell different amounts if they're all the same? I have char in Ru server 43 destroyer and i know where every thing get i dont need premium for this 1 week and i will be 40 lvl. It will be F2P -- they have promised over and over that it will not be P2W (by their definition of P2W) -- the question is, what is YOUR definition of P2W....? Will the OBT be the same as CBT such as the difficulty in dungeon, item drop and drop rate, quest, free items from BNS Gold survey...?
Your English is not OBT either. I just want to ask, ask! do you know the different from ask and asses? By your English style, I know who try to answer my question yesterday with the same way. I'm not good in English but I will try to fix my grammar as best as I can.
You shouldn't be here with me, just go, thank you, I don't need your answer. lol wtf dude, she just mentioned that there is no open beta why so much hate. yesterday someone tried to ask this question to Mod/admin and she tried to answer that "there is no open beta" "there is no open beta" and I still get no answer.
Your asking if OBT (OpenBeta) will be the same as CBT(ClosedBeta), thing is there wont be any open beta so thats the answer to your question. Now about diffuclty and xp i think they lowered it so ppl can progress faster through the beta and get to higher tiers faster. I tried the beta, I was impressed. Should be a good game. I'm happy its not going to be long until its released. so you mean i can finally stop playing the sketchy chinese version grin emoticon?
I wanted to play 4 fan years ago. Lol. Awesome guys been promoting you guys can't wait to get to gaming. I'm so looking forward to this smile emoticon I'm assuming it's playable in the UK right? I hope yer downloaders will be okay by then. I coudnt download Aion and wildstar.... Do we at least get to keep our character names? I only bought the 25$ one. Only if it says name reservation on the $25 packs, if not then no. If I purchase master pack now Buy Blade and Soul Gold , when will the premium membership be activated? And can I be registered for closed beta? Aa, guess thats the deadline for me to hit max on JP Server.Will we be able to have a look at the shop prices beforehand? I'm interested in buying a whole bunch of vanity items on day one... along with premium membership etc. I actually want to upgrade to founders pack... but will be unable to until January where I'm guessing it would've disappeared by then.. is this game worth is i watched the anime on Hulu is it that great ? Just enter to see the whole buncha of stupid questions. Yes that was way sooner than I was expecting I loved doing cbt 2 now I can't wait for full release literally in less than 2 months. I've been subscribed to the newsletter since around 2013, and I signed up for the beta as soon as I was emailed. Here I am, sitting two months before the full release, without a beta key in my email. That's ridiculous. As soon as I saw the pay-to-play post on facebook I knew I wouldn't be friends with the global devs. Finally. I gave up on the Chinese server because the English patch didn't translate side quests and I ended up behind in level. i see. what r the different of those server? game gonna reset anyway so i can switch there.
Your English is not OBT either. I just want to ask, ask! do you know the different from ask and asses? By your English style, I know who try to answer my question yesterday with the same way. I'm not good in English but I will try to fix my grammar as best as I can.
You shouldn't be here with me, just go, thank you, I don't need your answer. lol wtf dude, she just mentioned that there is no open beta why so much hate. yesterday someone tried to ask this question to Mod/admin and she tried to answer that "there is no open beta" "there is no open beta" and I still get no answer.
Your asking if OBT (OpenBeta) will be the same as CBT(ClosedBeta), thing is there wont be any open beta so thats the answer to your question. Now about diffuclty and xp i think they lowered it so ppl can progress faster through the beta and get to higher tiers faster. I tried the beta, I was impressed. Should be a good game. I'm happy its not going to be long until its released. so you mean i can finally stop playing the sketchy chinese version grin emoticon?
I wanted to play 4 fan years ago. Lol. Awesome guys been promoting you guys can't wait to get to gaming. I'm so looking forward to this smile emoticon I'm assuming it's playable in the UK right? I hope yer downloaders will be okay by then. I coudnt download Aion and wildstar.... Do we at least get to keep our character names? I only bought the 25$ one. Only if it says name reservation on the $25 packs, if not then no. If I purchase master pack now Buy Blade and Soul Gold , when will the premium membership be activated? And can I be registered for closed beta? Aa, guess thats the deadline for me to hit max on JP Server.Will we be able to have a look at the shop prices beforehand? I'm interested in buying a whole bunch of vanity items on day one... along with premium membership etc. I actually want to upgrade to founders pack... but will be unable to until January where I'm guessing it would've disappeared by then.. is this game worth is i watched the anime on Hulu is it that great ? Just enter to see the whole buncha of stupid questions. Yes that was way sooner than I was expecting I loved doing cbt 2 now I can't wait for full release literally in less than 2 months. I've been subscribed to the newsletter since around 2013, and I signed up for the beta as soon as I was emailed. Here I am, sitting two months before the full release, without a beta key in my email. That's ridiculous. As soon as I saw the pay-to-play post on facebook I knew I wouldn't be friends with the global devs. Finally. I gave up on the Chinese server because the English patch didn't translate side quests and I ended up behind in level. i see. what r the different of those server? game gonna reset anyway so i can switch there.
Dosn't Costa play on the same side as Neymar ?
Wow cool, i'd like this team win on 2015 champion,get all teams jerseys,check insta: Guys, you dont even need to log in, first prize will be mine. How bout fixing your guys service so we can play seasons! The 0's before the decimal don't matter you know . Sorry folks but how does anybody know how to contact easports to report a coins thief. His gamertag is mantock93.
He goes around enticing people to say he can help them with their team. Friends you and once he has your last coin he unfriends you, blocks you and has your coins. People like him are just begging to be made an example of. I have a Galaxy Note 5 says in the play store which is not compatible with my device, but before worked well and now says that is not compatible. Sounds like he made an example of you actually...tip would be to buy FIFA 16 coins maybe have common sense not to give your account away to people you don't know.
I have scored multiple goals like this... AI are savages, they use UFC moves to sling you to the ground and even try mounting your back, footballer not a fking climbing frame got that . Fifa 16 is classic robbery from EA. 30 e for packs and best I get is GK 83 level. Shame on you, I must buy something what I dont like but I need. I reapet, this is robbery, and we nead sue you.... n i was expecting that it would be lil Wayne lol. Guess both Brazil and Argentina scores two goals each first... Alright thats played out, and dumb I don't know how peoples think thats funny. 3-0 for brazil , Costa neymar neymar ..
Dosnt Costa play on the same side as Neymar FIFA 16 coins ? that's the problem when you insist to call someone by their last name. Argentina was not mauled by German and unfortunately Brazil was.. This shows how horrible Brazil defences is. Yeah but never expect Brazil will play same way everyday... I know brasil has very poor team work... But Argentina is lacking their hearts... Dude, that was last year. Different time, different place, different occasion. Just because Brazil lost in a World Cup semifinal doesn't mean the team is horrible. Every team has ups and downs.
I wish it was true but Brazilian defences is abysmal. At least Argentina squad have some quality defenders. Brazil have Neymar Fred Hulk Costa to break Argentine defence.. Well we cant see future so hope da match will be drawn... Peace Neymar is certainly a great player but I am not sure about Fred or Hulk they are inconsistent. Costa certainly have been consistent with Bayern..
He goes around enticing people to say he can help them with their team. Friends you and once he has your last coin he unfriends you, blocks you and has your coins. People like him are just begging to be made an example of. I have a Galaxy Note 5 says in the play store which is not compatible with my device, but before worked well and now says that is not compatible. Sounds like he made an example of you actually...tip would be to buy FIFA 16 coins maybe have common sense not to give your account away to people you don't know.
I have scored multiple goals like this... AI are savages, they use UFC moves to sling you to the ground and even try mounting your back, footballer not a fking climbing frame got that . Fifa 16 is classic robbery from EA. 30 e for packs and best I get is GK 83 level. Shame on you, I must buy something what I dont like but I need. I reapet, this is robbery, and we nead sue you.... n i was expecting that it would be lil Wayne lol. Guess both Brazil and Argentina scores two goals each first... Alright thats played out, and dumb I don't know how peoples think thats funny. 3-0 for brazil , Costa neymar neymar ..
Dosnt Costa play on the same side as Neymar FIFA 16 coins ? that's the problem when you insist to call someone by their last name. Argentina was not mauled by German and unfortunately Brazil was.. This shows how horrible Brazil defences is. Yeah but never expect Brazil will play same way everyday... I know brasil has very poor team work... But Argentina is lacking their hearts... Dude, that was last year. Different time, different place, different occasion. Just because Brazil lost in a World Cup semifinal doesn't mean the team is horrible. Every team has ups and downs.
I wish it was true but Brazilian defences is abysmal. At least Argentina squad have some quality defenders. Brazil have Neymar Fred Hulk Costa to break Argentine defence.. Well we cant see future so hope da match will be drawn... Peace Neymar is certainly a great player but I am not sure about Fred or Hulk they are inconsistent. Costa certainly have been consistent with Bayern..
Aion: Upheaval is coming
The latest update to Aion: Upheaval is coming and we're excited to announce that it will arrive on November 18. Erishkagal's influence has changed the Abyss and new holdings have been established deeper within to combat this new threat. Are you ready? I'm in a north America server and it's been out since summer. Every one who has not gotten upheaval. Be greatfull. U will miss the lands that will be destroyed and hate the new patch like crazy. All of us are praying to Aion for 4.9 or 5.0 to come faster.
+1000 to this Aion Kinah ... They removed SOOO much content and like all the sieges that actually mattered... Yet replaced it with basically nothing and we can still not take the f*ckin fort in Kaldor... So that might as well not even be there... Every region has Upheaval now. Patch 4.9 comes out next week for NA. That's what this post is about. North America. This page is for North American Aion. This post is for 4.9. 4.9 comes out in North America 11/18. I'm in north America. Its been out since the summer buy Aion Gold. 4.9 is as well upheaval but with changes in reshanta but that will be out next summer.
Same thing happened in distroying katalam, danaria, tia, and sarpan. Over all upheaval sucked so much and pissed so Meany people off a bunch of my long time legion friends that have been playing for years have left, that's how bad it is. dude , the post is bout 4.9 reshanta changes, and its next week, and bout ...summer? ( yes, for aussie) My bad. Just noticed the ".9" bit. My apologies but still they need to get rid of upheaval and release 5.0 asap. We're probably ganna get it in the summer. Oscar Salgado Hahahahaahha! Have fun! Will there be a life stream during the update ?? The Aion community is pretty toxic. This is why I couldn't stand to play anymore. A lot of spoiled rich kids with office jobs. Not my thing. Didn't notice that, just everyone was just so unhelpful. Like really, I could ask a question in a Legion with like 20 people on and no answer. Didn't realize Aion's community went south. It was pretty friendly when I last played in 2009. On the bright side, welcome to Tyria, amazing community and customer support since 2005.
+1000 to this Aion Kinah ... They removed SOOO much content and like all the sieges that actually mattered... Yet replaced it with basically nothing and we can still not take the f*ckin fort in Kaldor... So that might as well not even be there... Every region has Upheaval now. Patch 4.9 comes out next week for NA. That's what this post is about. North America. This page is for North American Aion. This post is for 4.9. 4.9 comes out in North America 11/18. I'm in north America. Its been out since the summer buy Aion Gold. 4.9 is as well upheaval but with changes in reshanta but that will be out next summer.
Same thing happened in distroying katalam, danaria, tia, and sarpan. Over all upheaval sucked so much and pissed so Meany people off a bunch of my long time legion friends that have been playing for years have left, that's how bad it is. dude , the post is bout 4.9 reshanta changes, and its next week, and bout ...summer? ( yes, for aussie) My bad. Just noticed the ".9" bit. My apologies but still they need to get rid of upheaval and release 5.0 asap. We're probably ganna get it in the summer. Oscar Salgado Hahahahaahha! Have fun! Will there be a life stream during the update ?? The Aion community is pretty toxic. This is why I couldn't stand to play anymore. A lot of spoiled rich kids with office jobs. Not my thing. Didn't notice that, just everyone was just so unhelpful. Like really, I could ask a question in a Legion with like 20 people on and no answer. Didn't realize Aion's community went south. It was pretty friendly when I last played in 2009. On the bright side, welcome to Tyria, amazing community and customer support since 2005.
FFXIV follows the "Theme Park" module
Partying for XP is more about being a nostalgic experience. It's fun and relaxing, it is no longer the focus of the game. And anyway, the leveling is so fast now, I don't see how it really is a grind. Getting nearly 50 levels in 8-12 hours is pretty damn quick compared to what it used to be. There is PLENTY more to do besides XP. Even the level cap is nothing. You still have to work to get your iLv119+ gear which consists of a series of BCNMs for the first phase and then Dynamis-like and Voidwatch-like content for the rest. Also, Capacity Points / Job Points are the new Merit System that really makes you super strong. I just got my first iLv119 set, but it's only the first one (AF Reforged +1) Cheap FFXIV Gil ...
I still need to do Relic, Empyrean, and Alluvian gear sets. It's relaxing, though. I chat with my LS, we occasionally help each other or do Skirmishes or Delve, and then there's those random shouts for Wildskeeper Reives, Sinister Reign, and the High Tier BCNMs. It is so much less stressful than it ever was before. And while BST is very strong right now, what is great is you can be any job (even Bard) and still solo effectively if you want to. It's even more fun to have a friend and do the content with them. Anyway, I don't like XIV unfortunately. The summons are disappointing and I can't believe there's an FF game FFXIV Gil that doesn't have elemental damage.
FFXI was a "Treasure Map" type game, where you had to figure things out and your adventures took you back and forth between familiar territory multiple times, discovering new things about the world you had never realized were there even though you had been there many times. FFXIV follows the "Theme Park" module like WoW which is fine, but while XI was definitely not perfect, there are many aspects of XI that they stripped from XIV and it makes me very sad. SE is allegedly developing a semi-full size vers of XI 2.0 for mobile (not the chibi vers that's out in JP right now) so ultimately, that might have promise. Unfortunately, SE messes up so many times that although they're having a 3rd party company develop it, I don't have a lot of faith but we'll see.
I still need to do Relic, Empyrean, and Alluvian gear sets. It's relaxing, though. I chat with my LS, we occasionally help each other or do Skirmishes or Delve, and then there's those random shouts for Wildskeeper Reives, Sinister Reign, and the High Tier BCNMs. It is so much less stressful than it ever was before. And while BST is very strong right now, what is great is you can be any job (even Bard) and still solo effectively if you want to. It's even more fun to have a friend and do the content with them. Anyway, I don't like XIV unfortunately. The summons are disappointing and I can't believe there's an FF game FFXIV Gil that doesn't have elemental damage.
FFXI was a "Treasure Map" type game, where you had to figure things out and your adventures took you back and forth between familiar territory multiple times, discovering new things about the world you had never realized were there even though you had been there many times. FFXIV follows the "Theme Park" module like WoW which is fine, but while XI was definitely not perfect, there are many aspects of XI that they stripped from XIV and it makes me very sad. SE is allegedly developing a semi-full size vers of XI 2.0 for mobile (not the chibi vers that's out in JP right now) so ultimately, that might have promise. Unfortunately, SE messes up so many times that although they're having a 3rd party company develop it, I don't have a lot of faith but we'll see.
glittering weapons are Black Lion Specialties
Anet, after having downloading 64bit patch client, im still experiencing game crashes It would be nice to see some other glider skins get added to the game that aren't obtained through the gem store but I am glad that there's finally one that doesn't cost 700-2400 gems. ~84g isn't too bad for a shiny (shinies!) glider skin. But the glittering weapons are Black Lion Specialties, not gem store skins. The Black Lion Trading Company is the name of the gem store. The "Black Lion Specialties" are gem store skins that happen to be tradable and are locked behind RNG. The distinction between "gem store skins" and "Black Lion Specialties" is non-existent. They're both sold by the BLTC. The only difference is one can be purchased directly with gems and the other needs to be gambled for using keys purchased with gems (or directly from players using gold) GW2 Gold.
I personally prefer knowing exactly what I'm getting when spending real money or a lot of gold on gems. But apparently enough people like playing a digital lottery to make this system profitable.
I personally prefer knowing exactly what I'm getting when spending real money or a lot of gold on gems. But apparently enough people like playing a digital lottery to make this system profitable.
I say they're not gem store skins because you don't have to spend real money to obtain them. Keys are available in game and you can buy chests cheap for a couple silver.Gem store implies real money must be spent to obtain. You can convert gold to gems. I bought the new glider with gems I bought with gold. Gem store skins are simply skins that are directly or indirectly bought with gems. How you obtain the gems (gold, real money, achievement rewards) Buy Guild Wars 2 Gold doesn't matter.
If an item is sold through the BLTC, it's a gem store item. The weapon skins are obtained through Black Lion Trading Company merchants and are bought with tickets obtained from chests that require gem store keys. Yes, you can rarely obtain keys as drops or as story rewards. But that doesn't mean they aren't still gem store items. The keys are sold for gems. The weapon tickets are locked behind RNG that requires those keys. Conceptually they're part of a micro transaction business model. ANet just happens to be more fair with it than other companies, and more fair than they used to be. When first introduced, the BLTC weapon skins couldn't be traded. They were account bound. They changed them to be tradable after a while (only newly obtained versions, though) but the original plan was to make them almost 100% exclusive to people buying gems.Converting gold to gems is a hefty exchange rate. Takes 100g or more to get enough gems to buy something, which isn't practical for some. Especially if they need their gold to make ascended items or legendaries. I believe nothing in this game requires real money to obtain. I have never spent real money for gems-store item/skins. I have, and I need all my gold to craft my legendary.
Guild Wars 2 Halloween Even
It took me ~3-4 hours to get enough hero points to finish my elite profession with 2-3 people max (my normal crew) before the change. While i appreciate my fresh 80's not having to grind out Tyria hero points, I hope this isn't a trend in dumbing down content because of entitlement issues.
Maybe that speed is fast, and it probably is, but I don't understand what is so taboo about earning something you're excited to have. If it takes you a week or a month to earn it, so be it. You weren't level 80 the first 3 hours you bought the game when it came out, you had to earn it. It took me weeks the first time to learn/figure out/experience the stuff that has me playing still today. While it's no life accomplishment, Buy Guild Wars 2 Gold i'm proud of my characters look and all the things I earned GW2 Gold . I don't know how you can say you earned something that was handed to you because it took a little too much effort for today's average person.Reassurance and accountability goes a long way, I think they did a pretty good job making it stable for the majority as far as I can tell, but to make the game unplayable for some, that people cannot even play the previously available content... well.. Seriously comments like this make me laugh. You do realise how big of a game gw2 is? That right now they have much bigger issues associated with their mega servers hosting all the players of which a majority can't even get into atm. There are many issues atm which need to be addressed, it's not that Anet is specifically ignoring players its the fact that there is bigger issues to address.
Note: you're not the only person who has paid money to play the game.
If there is a forum regarding the issue you mentioned I can guarantee its been seen and being addressed if there's a lot of complaints. You can't expect anet to comment on something every single time there is a problem and just because they haven't, doesn't mean they aren't addressing it at all.Faisal Merchant Note: I said "We" I will say I am happy that I gave you a good laugh. Nothing better than laughter right? I just had game crash for the umpteenth time tonight, now I cannot even log in ..... it's crazy ..... so sick of it!
Up until when is this Halloween Event? Its so addicting I have stopped doing my quests and reached lvl80 from it lol. Wish I could play, crashes whenever I see another player since HOT update, tried everything except hardware change. same here .... I keep losing out on ALL boss fights ..... it is getting so frustrating, I am thinking of quitting the game, there is no pleasure in playing any more! Sounds like there is at least a game to be played for you, there's no quitting when the only thing you can do is daily login.
Maybe that speed is fast, and it probably is, but I don't understand what is so taboo about earning something you're excited to have. If it takes you a week or a month to earn it, so be it. You weren't level 80 the first 3 hours you bought the game when it came out, you had to earn it. It took me weeks the first time to learn/figure out/experience the stuff that has me playing still today. While it's no life accomplishment, Buy Guild Wars 2 Gold i'm proud of my characters look and all the things I earned GW2 Gold . I don't know how you can say you earned something that was handed to you because it took a little too much effort for today's average person.Reassurance and accountability goes a long way, I think they did a pretty good job making it stable for the majority as far as I can tell, but to make the game unplayable for some, that people cannot even play the previously available content... well.. Seriously comments like this make me laugh. You do realise how big of a game gw2 is? That right now they have much bigger issues associated with their mega servers hosting all the players of which a majority can't even get into atm. There are many issues atm which need to be addressed, it's not that Anet is specifically ignoring players its the fact that there is bigger issues to address.
Note: you're not the only person who has paid money to play the game.
If there is a forum regarding the issue you mentioned I can guarantee its been seen and being addressed if there's a lot of complaints. You can't expect anet to comment on something every single time there is a problem and just because they haven't, doesn't mean they aren't addressing it at all.Faisal Merchant Note: I said "We" I will say I am happy that I gave you a good laugh. Nothing better than laughter right? I just had game crash for the umpteenth time tonight, now I cannot even log in ..... it's crazy ..... so sick of it!
Up until when is this Halloween Event? Its so addicting I have stopped doing my quests and reached lvl80 from it lol. Wish I could play, crashes whenever I see another player since HOT update, tried everything except hardware change. same here .... I keep losing out on ALL boss fights ..... it is getting so frustrating, I am thinking of quitting the game, there is no pleasure in playing any more! Sounds like there is at least a game to be played for you, there's no quitting when the only thing you can do is daily login.
Ronaldo cost more than messi in FUT?
He beat Messi in the past two years? Balon dor. Johnny Cortes hahahah fanboy, cr7 and messi are 2 grate players, one is natural skills, the other is a hard worker, with different play style, but stupid fan boys love to compare them. Messi a all around player stupid people don't even know what an all around player is Messi can't even play in as many positions has Ronaldo Messi sticks to one side and some times down the middle hangs around the front all the time and don't play no d he FIFA 16 coins
Like if you think Messi and Ronaldo are both badasses! Just be glad that you got a chance to see messi and Ronaldo 🏼 I'm a cr7 fan but messi and Ronaldo are just making football look easy. Who will ever be able to break their records? Neymar could break some of messi's records not all but will take him a long time. I don't believe Neymar can score as much as messi can. And messi is only 28. I dont think our children will be that lucky. Kadir Hızarcı they're only gonna see diving... They show respect to eachother, so why can't fans respect them both. I am not saying you have to be a fan of both, juat respect them. Ronaldo and Messi should play together in the same team someday. Then the world would be perfect. Imagine CR7+LM10! You mean the world would explode.
let's face the truth. Ronaldo is a better athlete but Messi is by far the most skilled player on ball. Although i can't stand ronaldo's diving. Messi is nor half the player buy FIFA 15 coins . 1 CR7 2 Sánchez 3 Zlatan 4 Messi.... I don't know what Ronaldo and Messi did to have such ignorant fools as their fan.I respect both of them and an ardent fan of Messi.
If messi is so good... Why does C. Ronaldo cost more than messi in FUT??? Coz messi can play only football where as ronaldo play 2 sports. Football and diving. ecause ronaldo his skills are easier to add in the FIFA game ... as for Messi .. no one is able to copy his style ... Ronaldo is just sprinting forward as hard as you can and shoot ... and that is very easy in fifa .. but it is too difficult to play as weird as the magician himself .. Leo Messi
Like if you think Messi and Ronaldo are both badasses! Just be glad that you got a chance to see messi and Ronaldo 🏼 I'm a cr7 fan but messi and Ronaldo are just making football look easy. Who will ever be able to break their records? Neymar could break some of messi's records not all but will take him a long time. I don't believe Neymar can score as much as messi can. And messi is only 28. I dont think our children will be that lucky. Kadir Hızarcı they're only gonna see diving... They show respect to eachother, so why can't fans respect them both. I am not saying you have to be a fan of both, juat respect them. Ronaldo and Messi should play together in the same team someday. Then the world would be perfect. Imagine CR7+LM10! You mean the world would explode.
let's face the truth. Ronaldo is a better athlete but Messi is by far the most skilled player on ball. Although i can't stand ronaldo's diving. Messi is nor half the player buy FIFA 15 coins . 1 CR7 2 Sánchez 3 Zlatan 4 Messi.... I don't know what Ronaldo and Messi did to have such ignorant fools as their fan.I respect both of them and an ardent fan of Messi.
If messi is so good... Why does C. Ronaldo cost more than messi in FUT??? Coz messi can play only football where as ronaldo play 2 sports. Football and diving. ecause ronaldo his skills are easier to add in the FIFA game ... as for Messi .. no one is able to copy his style ... Ronaldo is just sprinting forward as hard as you can and shoot ... and that is very easy in fifa .. but it is too difficult to play as weird as the magician himself .. Leo Messi
Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Dude, chill. You only need to pay the expansion. Not even that if you don't want. Anet gives away the core game and you think they're getting moneygrabbers? This is just like Guild Wars 1 except they didn't give the previous games... I'm not a dude you idiot.... I am very chill learn to read and follow post .... don't like my comment move on... Yannick Weiler Only Eye of the North was an expansion. The rest were stand along games GW2 Gold
Congrats Anet! It was cool to see the emotion in the staff and how excited they all were about it! Loving my revenant so far and can't wait to delve into the guild halls! The game is most fun when you're in a guild with voice chat! Many of them organize special events. You can check the GW2 forums or Reddit for guilds that may suit you! grin emoticon . I'm incredibly proud to say that I was among many who bought the game. This game is just amazing, its so beautiful..can't believe how far its come and I am SO excited to play the expansion. These stats made me smile, and laugh some cause its so amazing how far its come. Congratulations on all your hard word and success in making this absolutely breath taking game Buy Guild Wars 2 Gold.I'm incredibly proud to say that I was among many who bought the game. This game is just amazing, its so beautiful..can't believe how far its come and I am SO excited to play the expansion. These stats made me smile, and laugh some cause its so amazing how far its come. Congratulations on all your hard word and success in making this absolutely breath taking game.
I would love to see some stats about returning players (like unique last week / month / 3 months / inactive for 3+ months)... Without checking, how many times, during the first 3 days of release, do we get the message, new build ready in 10 minutes, have we seen? Game is Bobbins gave up on gw2 gob board when I hit max lvl so don't play anymore... Definitely not gunna buy expansion... They should of just added more content to the original guild wars game as that was awesome.
Congrats Anet! It was cool to see the emotion in the staff and how excited they all were about it! Loving my revenant so far and can't wait to delve into the guild halls! The game is most fun when you're in a guild with voice chat! Many of them organize special events. You can check the GW2 forums or Reddit for guilds that may suit you! grin emoticon . I'm incredibly proud to say that I was among many who bought the game. This game is just amazing, its so beautiful..can't believe how far its come and I am SO excited to play the expansion. These stats made me smile, and laugh some cause its so amazing how far its come. Congratulations on all your hard word and success in making this absolutely breath taking game Buy Guild Wars 2 Gold.I'm incredibly proud to say that I was among many who bought the game. This game is just amazing, its so beautiful..can't believe how far its come and I am SO excited to play the expansion. These stats made me smile, and laugh some cause its so amazing how far its come. Congratulations on all your hard word and success in making this absolutely breath taking game.
I would love to see some stats about returning players (like unique last week / month / 3 months / inactive for 3+ months)... Without checking, how many times, during the first 3 days of release, do we get the message, new build ready in 10 minutes, have we seen? Game is Bobbins gave up on gw2 gob board when I hit max lvl so don't play anymore... Definitely not gunna buy expansion... They should of just added more content to the original guild wars game as that was awesome.
books of knowledge GW2
Is it that hard to calculate how many days we have to go before it is 23 october? I am happy to tell you if it is 15 oct, like today, you have to wait 8 more days before it is 23 oct. Keep this figure in head! Now tomorrow substract 1 from 8=7. This mean tomorrow you have to wait a week (=7 days) before it is 23 october. For the rest I can keep you updated if it is only a 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 day wait. However if you have only 1 day (=24h) to wait, we make a new calculation on how many minutes you have to wait. Good Luck waiting, be happy a day only takes a day. but this means you have to wait 175 hours before HoT from the moment of this publication.
As of writing this, it is 7 days, 15 hours, and 48 minutes away. (Using a countdown timer on my phone.) Rob Cassteele Koedijk I didn't know the exact time of release when I posted this. Only the date was known back then. Also, I just like countdown timers as they bring much more hype than your salt. There was one, but the naming convention they used turned out to be too high concept for most players to get. How about a count down timer for the countdown timer? That a thing? grin emoticon .
Wouter Gilisen my calculation is pretty accurate. I may not be a pro-hyper. Today? I've been counting down for over a year! but it's been obvious they've been working on one since last summer. yeah but you can't countdown to a date if you didn't have the date. Just stakk up the book of knolage now. Stack,, books of knowledge*
Are they goin away with HoT? "Begins" today. Sure, cause I haven't been counting down the days so far. Not even a little bit. No sir. I'm wondering, will there be a boxed collector edition?
Unfortunately no, the closest to that would be either the actual game box upon release. Or the ultimate edition which is unfortunately digital.
As of writing this, it is 7 days, 15 hours, and 48 minutes away. (Using a countdown timer on my phone.) Rob Cassteele Koedijk I didn't know the exact time of release when I posted this. Only the date was known back then. Also, I just like countdown timers as they bring much more hype than your salt. There was one, but the naming convention they used turned out to be too high concept for most players to get. How about a count down timer for the countdown timer? That a thing? grin emoticon .
Wouter Gilisen my calculation is pretty accurate. I may not be a pro-hyper. Today? I've been counting down for over a year! but it's been obvious they've been working on one since last summer. yeah but you can't countdown to a date if you didn't have the date. Just stakk up the book of knolage now. Stack,, books of knowledge*
Are they goin away with HoT? "Begins" today. Sure, cause I haven't been counting down the days so far. Not even a little bit. No sir. I'm wondering, will there be a boxed collector edition?
Unfortunately no, the closest to that would be either the actual game box upon release. Or the ultimate edition which is unfortunately digital.
WvW for badges of honor
Krissey Dye cause youre all sad crybaby to hard and fast for ya...need cheat daily lelel plebs. Just glad I got my legendary the old way, lots of farming and gold. Have no desire to play WvW again, nor any PVP. Nice staff tho. Regardless of what comes out, I'm still working towards the twilight! Guild Wars had so much symmetry in their weapons and armor, Guild Wars 2 has little to none, not to mention what's up with Head / Shoulder / Glove armors? Do you not like the Chest Legs GW2 Gold and Foot to make a set?
Both sides have their share of rotten apples. You just have to ignore them (thank god for "Block" / ignore possibility) I hate it when ppl say "gw2 sucks there is nothing left to do" without actually doing everything the game has to offer...just like pve pvp is a part of the game ..whats wrong in making u do all aspects of the game? its "legendary" after all....only players who does everything should be able to get them or else it wouldst be so "legendary"...and for the current gen legs u dont need pvp only for Guild Wars 2 Gold the 2nd gen ones. OP: yea, let's just forget about the [Gift of Battle]. It's totally not "forcing" us to play WvW for badges of honor at all... (and mind you, neither the badges, nor the gift are tradeable).
It's tradeable, you don't have to do one bit of pvp or wvw.
It's finally something for pvpers, and most importantly wvwers, to earn some decent gold instead of the scraps we get for our troubles, finally gold hoarding Pvers who want a legendary will open up their coin filled pockets for those who have been miserable since launch. You get a buttload of badges of honor from AP chests now, so can technically craft 2 legendaries without stepping foot in wvw. Luckily my guild has their own pvp lobby, mostly for dailies.
Michael Savant lol i mainly pvp..pretty much only pvp...but when i even better then dedicated pvers...thats how simple and eazzzzy pve is...vice versa however...a pver has no chance against me in pvp...0,0% chance...get real, pve is just way way waaayyy to simple its hilarious. you silly pleb. Martin: No you didnt need to do PvP for Twilight nor Sunrise
Ilari: Some PvP players are horrible ppl, but HC PvE players also bash/trash talk on you in pugged dungeons, fracs etc. One missed dodge, not giving might etc and they're all over you.
love me Guild Wars 2 Gold
Larsson, people died on both sides. The USA throw atombombs on hundred thousands of civilians.A war is always a loss!So think before you try to insult someone... Well, this went outta hand pretty fast xD. Tamara, je laat wel een spoor van haat comments achter he xD. Agh Maurits, ik ben gewoon een gruwelijk sarcastisch persoon, you either love me Guild Wars 2 Gold or you hate me. The amount of English speakers in Germany is so much higher than in other countries of comparable size (Spain, France, Italy, Poland, etc.) Viktor Andrén I happen to know several Germans, all of whom are tri-lingual and very acceptant of wordly languages. As a German speaker myself, I can say you are not helping. Last I checked germany like other countries teach English to their citizens in school. It's a requirement.
Eli Cottyn They call him Birdy because his mommy has to chew his food for him. Viktor Andrén How many Germans do you actually know? What you are saying is bullsh*t. Guess what? I am German and I do play games in English and German as well because I can. Arena net always been weird when it comes to german, I remember when I was a kid I made a lot of fun and jokes about Hitler's moustache, in guild wars 1 i was banned for 1 hour, and the name hitler was censored. Worth it. In other games nothing happened.   Cheap GW2 Gold ;Don't really get the problem here. It's making fun of a dictator, so yeah.. Bad men receive bad jokes? xD
You guys get the irony of making fun of a dictator moustache and being banned for "fk live"? People are evil, and want to make you obey you. A few german people make fun of other languages, make fun of greece, online everday, created wars and have no shame about it and whatever each culture has they manage to feel superior, but that is okay in their eyes however this are same people capable of banning a child in a online game for making fun of a dictator's moustache.
If the same amount of evil had to be punished, how much the germans should be punished in your logic? Tortured for eternity? Why don't we do that? Because we are more kind than you.
Germans what you gain in such malice? The only word that has logic and make us understand the german way of thinking is "Schadenfreude" a german word that only exists in german I think.
Schadenfreude means harm-joy. HOW YOU CAN BE SO EVIL TO EVEN HAVE A WORD FOR THAT.
Eli Cottyn They call him Birdy because his mommy has to chew his food for him. Viktor Andrén How many Germans do you actually know? What you are saying is bullsh*t. Guess what? I am German and I do play games in English and German as well because I can. Arena net always been weird when it comes to german, I remember when I was a kid I made a lot of fun and jokes about Hitler's moustache, in guild wars 1 i was banned for 1 hour, and the name hitler was censored. Worth it. In other games nothing happened.   Cheap GW2 Gold ;Don't really get the problem here. It's making fun of a dictator, so yeah.. Bad men receive bad jokes? xD
You guys get the irony of making fun of a dictator moustache and being banned for "fk live"? People are evil, and want to make you obey you. A few german people make fun of other languages, make fun of greece, online everday, created wars and have no shame about it and whatever each culture has they manage to feel superior, but that is okay in their eyes however this are same people capable of banning a child in a online game for making fun of a dictator's moustache.
If the same amount of evil had to be punished, how much the germans should be punished in your logic? Tortured for eternity? Why don't we do that? Because we are more kind than you.
Germans what you gain in such malice? The only word that has logic and make us understand the german way of thinking is "Schadenfreude" a german word that only exists in german I think.
Schadenfreude means harm-joy. HOW YOU CAN BE SO EVIL TO EVEN HAVE A WORD FOR THAT.
changes of environment in Aion 4.9
The abyss of the new version of the new PK to the field of video experience.
4.9 is an egg pain version, the greater the expectations of the new version of the greater disappointment. This thought can finally open the wings in the OBS B, did not expect to automatically close to buy Aion Kinah this change to make my eggs broken.
Change the manual to others from 25m skill bar automatic variable grey look and all sorts of I or give up the air, or like marine multi, monkeys can keep moving speed and a variety of terrain and a little strange by using backstepping cut chasing people on foot.
Rangers from the last version has strengthened a lot, so don't complain about how to.
Although the skin is crisp is a fact, but the field can have the transient + + + lightning flash 3 skills have let me very satisfied.
Well, and now the PVP environment, you say who is now keen to engage in PVP do not engage in a wake up to engage in a 10 God stone.
And don't mention the tuba trumpet Aion Gold, I only know that red do not know the size, random field kill two or three can 2000DP the, slightly wretched turned or can be permanent.
The equipment is of life explosion, reinforced arch and iron bow, is +15, the life 1460, the field does not touch the ultimate magic resistance can fully play.
And the most important points.
1 to solve their own must grasp the opportunity to hand, the use of the use, not willing to use the red solution has been to eat N thanks to the life skills.
2. don't think sword of the stars in the blind do not think that that is the target, or to run to beat, was blinded by sword star Lue bleeding many times.
3 no time unless you have a complete grasp of the solution or do not easily go after.
4 the city is a very good used to seduce people skills.
5 the best way to deal with the ultimate magic is to attack the explosion.
Finally, thanks to the wife, tears turned me to increase my blood, my bad temper always make you angry.
There are monkeys, houzhz to help me collocation data, the whole teach me to do video, for you such a big good I just want to say 4 words: Yi (Sheng) Ping () (an) thank you. Do you think of the use of malicious bug?
With this weapon? Can not strengthen the magic stone, what.. Is a fresh, also set of malicious words, do their own procedures in place, Zhicuojiugai line, strange to players on the?
I don't care to entertain, affect the other game player that is excessive.
4.9 new versions of knapsack extensions required and key number Kenath
This version of the top 18 row
Initial 3 row
It extends 10 row based [1000/1W/5W/15W/30W/300W/600W/1200W/2400W/4800W]
Key expansion 5 key [5/10/15/20/30]
If you had used the card before you need the key to reduce.
Use 1 to reduce 5, use 2 to reduce 10, use 3 to reduce 15, use 4 to reduce 20.
Before the revision if you backpack number has 126 or 135 words, then you only need to prepare 30 keys and Qena can open 162 cell pack
Everybody do not worry, the keener expansion and key expansion after the first who are indifferent, spend the keener, take the key, run could not run away.
4.9 is an egg pain version, the greater the expectations of the new version of the greater disappointment. This thought can finally open the wings in the OBS B, did not expect to automatically close to buy Aion Kinah this change to make my eggs broken.
Change the manual to others from 25m skill bar automatic variable grey look and all sorts of I or give up the air, or like marine multi, monkeys can keep moving speed and a variety of terrain and a little strange by using backstepping cut chasing people on foot.
Rangers from the last version has strengthened a lot, so don't complain about how to.
Although the skin is crisp is a fact, but the field can have the transient + + + lightning flash 3 skills have let me very satisfied.
Well, and now the PVP environment, you say who is now keen to engage in PVP do not engage in a wake up to engage in a 10 God stone.
And don't mention the tuba trumpet Aion Gold, I only know that red do not know the size, random field kill two or three can 2000DP the, slightly wretched turned or can be permanent.
The equipment is of life explosion, reinforced arch and iron bow, is +15, the life 1460, the field does not touch the ultimate magic resistance can fully play.
And the most important points.
1 to solve their own must grasp the opportunity to hand, the use of the use, not willing to use the red solution has been to eat N thanks to the life skills.
2. don't think sword of the stars in the blind do not think that that is the target, or to run to beat, was blinded by sword star Lue bleeding many times.
3 no time unless you have a complete grasp of the solution or do not easily go after.
4 the city is a very good used to seduce people skills.
5 the best way to deal with the ultimate magic is to attack the explosion.
Finally, thanks to the wife, tears turned me to increase my blood, my bad temper always make you angry.
There are monkeys, houzhz to help me collocation data, the whole teach me to do video, for you such a big good I just want to say 4 words: Yi (Sheng) Ping () (an) thank you. Do you think of the use of malicious bug?
With this weapon? Can not strengthen the magic stone, what.. Is a fresh, also set of malicious words, do their own procedures in place, Zhicuojiugai line, strange to players on the?
I don't care to entertain, affect the other game player that is excessive.
4.9 new versions of knapsack extensions required and key number Kenath
This version of the top 18 row
Initial 3 row
It extends 10 row based [1000/1W/5W/15W/30W/300W/600W/1200W/2400W/4800W]
Key expansion 5 key [5/10/15/20/30]
If you had used the card before you need the key to reduce.
Use 1 to reduce 5, use 2 to reduce 10, use 3 to reduce 15, use 4 to reduce 20.
Before the revision if you backpack number has 126 or 135 words, then you only need to prepare 30 keys and Qena can open 162 cell pack
Everybody do not worry, the keener expansion and key expansion after the first who are indifferent, spend the keener, take the key, run could not run away.
You just need to find the right people
You just need to find the right people to party with. In all MMOs you're going to have those diverse player who have short tempers, and no patience, and you'll also have those ideal friendly types you're looking for. That's kind of what joining a fcs help do is give you a chance to meet new people and gain new allies, there are even linkshells out there that people make for that same purpose. Make a party finder saying you're looking for one, I'm sure you will find one. I'm on midgardsormr server Aion Kinah .
Ofc there were BRDs, but they went wrong with the terms. BRDs are that 21% on lime green; they just tossed BLM there, so there are actually 2 BLM portions for 2014. Just a typo. Sorry one more thing is make it easier for people running dungeons and raids by keeping people who do not know how to play out of the content by making them work for it and not giving it to them. this is done by making dungeon gear more superior than the rest. I enjoyed the census very much. I probably added at least a zillion Yoshida Aion Gold shouts to the realm... We still need Healers and Tanks the most XD. When was this data gathered? I swear more than 3% of the population is Au Ra. You have to take into concideration all those players who tried out the game and didn't like it back when the game was still ARR and didn't sub past the trial period. They're the ones who are making the race distribution a bit off. It'd be good if they showed what the actual active player race distribution is, as that would be a far more accurate representation of what the distribution is.
No, they aren't. They even said that the Free Trials do not account for anything when it comes to numbers. The census takes into account all characters ever made, all those level 1 gil spammers, all the characters made on trial accounts that never bough the game. All of it. A proper census would be level 50+ characters only. Negative. Look it up. It's been stated SEVERAL times when also quiting the accounts in service at the moment.
Ofc there were BRDs, but they went wrong with the terms. BRDs are that 21% on lime green; they just tossed BLM there, so there are actually 2 BLM portions for 2014. Just a typo. Sorry one more thing is make it easier for people running dungeons and raids by keeping people who do not know how to play out of the content by making them work for it and not giving it to them. this is done by making dungeon gear more superior than the rest. I enjoyed the census very much. I probably added at least a zillion Yoshida Aion Gold shouts to the realm... We still need Healers and Tanks the most XD. When was this data gathered? I swear more than 3% of the population is Au Ra. You have to take into concideration all those players who tried out the game and didn't like it back when the game was still ARR and didn't sub past the trial period. They're the ones who are making the race distribution a bit off. It'd be good if they showed what the actual active player race distribution is, as that would be a far more accurate representation of what the distribution is.
No, they aren't. They even said that the Free Trials do not account for anything when it comes to numbers. The census takes into account all characters ever made, all those level 1 gil spammers, all the characters made on trial accounts that never bough the game. All of it. A proper census would be level 50+ characters only. Negative. Look it up. It's been stated SEVERAL times when also quiting the accounts in service at the moment.
A good way to discourage new players from staying
A good way to discourage new players from staying. Claire, I recommend a phial of fantasia and a name change. Linzy cheap FFXIV gil , I don't live with my mother, and there's no need for hostility. Don't be so immature as to resort to name calling. I'm not a legacy player, and I don't have the lightning event items. But I don't believe myself, or any of you, are entitled to them. We weren't around when the event was held, that benefit goes to the people who were playing at that time. If SE just starts handing all these nostalgic items around, it completely voids the meaning of them. I'm sorry, but I am entitled to my opinion and I respectfully disagree. Hate on me if you want, it won't change how I feel.
I agree with David FFXIV gils . They've had the lightning event twice alrdy. I don't see a point for having it a 3rd time. And it's not the elitist attitude that makes new players resent anyone , its the community with attitudes like linzy and Zack with the hostility. Jmo. they only did it during the releases of FFXIII-3 (both japan and Na release) only way i can see them doing it again is if they do a PC release. They actually had the event 3 times, and it doesn't matter how many times they bring it back, someone else will start the game / new character after the last one and will demand to have it back, and the worst part is that it has never brought something new for those who already completed the event.
Nobody cares enough about you to hate you, David. Stating that you have a right to your opinion doesn't make a point any more prominent. So do I. I've been on XIV since 1.0 and it doesn't make me feel any less valid when someone has a yukata, or a behemoth mount, or a haircut that I have. If it does make anyone feel less special then they've got bigger issues. There are newer players who won't get the veteran rewards for a looong long time. There are tons of other items from the 1.0-2.0 transition that they will NEVER get. So what's the big deal with a Lightning/Snow haircut and outfit? Y'all are trippin over something quite insignificant.
Nobody cares enough about you to hate you, David. Stating that you have a right to your opinion doesn't make a point any more prominent. So do I. I've been on XIV since 1.0 and it doesn't make me feel any less valid when someone has a yukata, or a behemoth mount, or a haircut that I have. If it does make anyone feel less special then they've got bigger issues. There are newer players who won't get the veteran rewards for a looong long time. There are tons of other items from the 1.0-2.0 transition that they will NEVER get. So what's the big deal with a Lightning/Snow haircut and outfit? Y'all are trippin over something quite insignificant.
fifa games around the corner
Terry sucks. He needs to go to the mls with his buddy Lame pard. I'm not complaining about barca's defense if you weren't such an ignorant fan you would agree that alves made some mistakes like in the malaga game and pique's mistake vs sevilla which cost them two points and his handball against real madrid. Why are Madrid fans so hostile? It's a shame really I'm cule and there's some players I like a lot from Madrid's rosters. Marcelo is quality when it comes to attacking but Lacks defending and pace. Nevertheless any team would love him in their team. I prefer Alba but it's only my personal preference Cheap FIFA 16 coins.
You clearly don't watch football mate . Terry had an incredible season and played every single second. And Alaba > Alba any day. Fifa ratings are based on real life mate not how much you like them in fifa. Terry was easily one of the best defenders last year, alba didn't contribute as much to Barca as Alaba did Bayern.
Alba Alaba alba Alaba alba Alaba alba Alaba alba Alaba Alaba Alaba alaba Alba alba. Yup he had a great season he also got a tots card too he not useful in Fifa but a rock on defense. wont sign him anyway... pace is everything with fifa games! Considering what I've heard about the beta, the game seems slower. Maybe Terry won't be so bad? Based on the players with the same 85 rating. Alaba should be 86 2 FIFA 16 PC Coins. He didn't do anything last season. In France he will do will that league is a joke so he will get a few informs. He should be 83 after the season he had with utd.
You saw that assist yesterday in his first game with psg. You can tell he feels better there . He will get like 6 informs this FIFA. Yeah but IMO he shouldn´t have a same overall as Kompany. And in the other hand he´ll not be dat good this season. Terry may be not that good in this season but the fifa rating is based on the performance of the players for the last season .... Terry was brilliant for the last season. He was brilliant last season and I'm a united fan. His timing with talkes, positioning are amazing. For someone as old as him and as slow as him to still be a rock in defense is something else.
You clearly don't watch football mate . Terry had an incredible season and played every single second. And Alaba > Alba any day. Fifa ratings are based on real life mate not how much you like them in fifa. Terry was easily one of the best defenders last year, alba didn't contribute as much to Barca as Alaba did Bayern.
Alba Alaba alba Alaba alba Alaba alba Alaba alba Alaba Alaba Alaba alaba Alba alba. Yup he had a great season he also got a tots card too he not useful in Fifa but a rock on defense. wont sign him anyway... pace is everything with fifa games! Considering what I've heard about the beta, the game seems slower. Maybe Terry won't be so bad? Based on the players with the same 85 rating. Alaba should be 86 2 FIFA 16 PC Coins. He didn't do anything last season. In France he will do will that league is a joke so he will get a few informs. He should be 83 after the season he had with utd.
You saw that assist yesterday in his first game with psg. You can tell he feels better there . He will get like 6 informs this FIFA. Yeah but IMO he shouldn´t have a same overall as Kompany. And in the other hand he´ll not be dat good this season. Terry may be not that good in this season but the fifa rating is based on the performance of the players for the last season .... Terry was brilliant for the last season. He was brilliant last season and I'm a united fan. His timing with talkes, positioning are amazing. For someone as old as him and as slow as him to still be a rock in defense is something else.
FIFA 16 Demo available from September 8
i expected a killing but dont go saying they are great! They won't even make it pass the group stage. How to unlock Fifa14 android game modes? Yeah against part time brick makers. still on 300k a week lol
Still think that Wayne Rooney hasn't been an elite player over the past couple of seasons. Pedro Speaks Out .
Chelsea’s latest Buy FIFA 16 coins , Pedro has revealed why he decided to leave Barcelona for Chelsea. Scores against brugge and now this form talk..if he scores against oxford he is better than pele. Awesome team!!! GO MANCHESTER UNITED!!!! I never critic to Wayne Rooney I know he is the best and legend. Rooney didn't even create any of those goals. got to love the bitterness to a legend like rooney aww bless. anz God for united!!!!man you fans up MAN U!!!! Almost time... FIFA 16 Demo available from September 8: Don't miss out - pre-order FIFA 16 and get up to 40 Premium FUT Packs:
You can shove your 40 packs up your overpriced bums. Exactly. The game must be close to complete only a month out or less . Surely they can answer some of this stuff.WILL THE TURKISH SUPER LIG BE IN FIFA 16 YES OR NO ? ANSWER PLEASE SOMEONE EA SPORTS FIFA ANSWER. Nah your ok your games beyond a joke never any different any year . Think I'll be back to pes or else patching footballing games in general. Ive preorderd standard edition will I still get prem packs? What's the point when people buy millions of coins ?? is the game will work on 32 bits? plz answer . 2 years in a row I've done this Cheapest FIFA 16 coins ..
PES 2016 plays like putting a square peg into a round hole. I don't know if you're being sarcastic. But the demo is great! It feels so nice & the graphics are awesome! My opinion is that FIFA have been sloppy for the last couple of years. I would buy PES only for its lack of licences. FIFA 15 was terrible, plus the issues that were never resolved with playing online career. I found myself playing FIFA 14 more so. I've downloaded PES 16 and I like the game play. Although you can tackle anyone hard and pretty much get away with it. Not sure what I'm gonna do when they're both out.
Its actually not that bad tbh, but it'll never overtake fifa. The lack of licensed teams/leagues put me off it. You know FIFA fan boys have no real opinion but just hate PES, one fanboy say the only thing good about PES is the graphics, and the other fan boy say PES graphics are from PS2 grin emoticon Basically you are running out of hate. Grow up people, there is no realistic gameplay like PES, I play FIFA to have quick fun, I play PES to have everlasting fun. One goes to my soul, the other I just say wow while looking at the over dramatisation of animations and move on. PES 2016 demo is great. FIFA without licences it is dead on arrival.
FFXIV Casual exander
yeah elitists.. pfft. im only getting my 170 law gear for my 60 paladin, i still havent quite hit ilv160 let alone 170 to enter the raid's first version. Do some hunts every now and then and you can bump all that up to 180. what i did for 170 is. upgraded my 170 weapon to 180 1st got all other law gear and the 160 ring from the last 2 dungeons FFXIV gil. That will give you 170. to upgrade weapon you will need 395 centuiro seals and then buy a Doman whetstone from the old dude in the forgotten knight.
If you have the time. Hunt right after maintenance. All hunts reset. I upgraded like 5 pieces in that timeframe. a hour after reset is when hunt windows start, 24 hours for rank s's. my first mmo and i love it like a fanboy. not for everybody, especially the feint of heart. takes some real skill in the late game @.@ this new raid makes my whole body tingle hehehe. Sam, i agree. now I don't care to level and gear each class anymore. idk, maybe cause i been with ff since beta but i main pld and now main drk. had every DoH with lucis and DoL before HW. I have 7k achievement points. my retainers have lucis. but now...? nah SE threw all that away so I think I'll just follow story. Relic?! sqaushed it. efffort lost. gil ani't worth nothing cheap FFXIV gil. basically it's killin content before nerf for pride. still dont got my fat cat and know i don't even care.
Am I one of the few players that actually enjoy challenging fights? TAKE WING YE SOULS OF WAR! Savage a3 - the key difference, everything is darker with more light glows! The challenge - spotting your other team mates in the battle! Anyone have any clue on how to download the game on a new PC? Yes, I've bought the game previously and am an active subber. There's no "download now" link anywhere. Not on the regular website (the free trial download does not work for active subbers) and none on my account management page. There's not even a FAQ on the subject.
I can't wait until i hit level 60 on my BLM. can someone help me i forgot my password and the date of birth i put on the account and i am trying to change my password plz help. The only issue I have with this, is the fact that the guys that can actually play will have to farm all the rooms all over again, over the course of weeks, in order to get the lewt. Being in a static that does Casual exander and has Ravana on farm, it can really get repetitive.
But I won't lie: I'm excited to see what new mechanics they'll put in.
If you have the time. Hunt right after maintenance. All hunts reset. I upgraded like 5 pieces in that timeframe. a hour after reset is when hunt windows start, 24 hours for rank s's. my first mmo and i love it like a fanboy. not for everybody, especially the feint of heart. takes some real skill in the late game @.@ this new raid makes my whole body tingle hehehe. Sam, i agree. now I don't care to level and gear each class anymore. idk, maybe cause i been with ff since beta but i main pld and now main drk. had every DoH with lucis and DoL before HW. I have 7k achievement points. my retainers have lucis. but now...? nah SE threw all that away so I think I'll just follow story. Relic?! sqaushed it. efffort lost. gil ani't worth nothing cheap FFXIV gil. basically it's killin content before nerf for pride. still dont got my fat cat and know i don't even care.
Am I one of the few players that actually enjoy challenging fights? TAKE WING YE SOULS OF WAR! Savage a3 - the key difference, everything is darker with more light glows! The challenge - spotting your other team mates in the battle! Anyone have any clue on how to download the game on a new PC? Yes, I've bought the game previously and am an active subber. There's no "download now" link anywhere. Not on the regular website (the free trial download does not work for active subbers) and none on my account management page. There's not even a FAQ on the subject.
I can't wait until i hit level 60 on my BLM. can someone help me i forgot my password and the date of birth i put on the account and i am trying to change my password plz help. The only issue I have with this, is the fact that the guys that can actually play will have to farm all the rooms all over again, over the course of weeks, in order to get the lewt. Being in a static that does Casual exander and has Ravana on farm, it can really get repetitive.
But I won't lie: I'm excited to see what new mechanics they'll put in.
new Expansion
Apparently people can't read proper English if they continue to dwell on a comment and have to warp it to their own standard of what they think I mean. "Waaaah fix this instead of giving us sit poses which is something I don't even do in game therefore I speak for everyone waaaah." I would pay copious amounts of money for this mount. World of Warcraft players still be waiting for their dances from Wrath of the Lich King. WoW blows lol Plus the community for that game has a bunch of idiots. I love the community for this game heart emoticon Actually mature player's. Plus this game is 100X better and they even have it on console's which makes me happy 'cause it's not "you have to own a pc to play this freaking game" cheap FFXIV gil ._.
You can't say the community in this game is better. I think it's just as worse. I've met a lot of nut jobs playing this game. No lezen/highlander/roe love? I'm sick of seeing bikini clad catgirls and dragon chicks that cater to the lowest demographic.I'd LOVE to see the less popular races shown more. Finally Miquote guys won't be taking a poop every time they sit down lol.
You can't say the community in this game is better. I think it's just as worse. I've met a lot of nut jobs playing this game. No lezen/highlander/roe love? I'm sick of seeing bikini clad catgirls and dragon chicks that cater to the lowest demographic.I'd LOVE to see the less popular races shown more. Finally Miquote guys won't be taking a poop every time they sit down lol.
LOLOLOL WoW isn't hand holdy. OKAY FFXIV gil . Is that why the new Expansion was garbage and when it came to the raid opening up, you could clear it with a PUG group with ease? And no, Alexander is not the same thing. It was an introduction to HW raiding, meant to be Crystal Tower difficulty. Hence why they added Savage. Yeah I know, it's fine. I think some people have just jumped on you for the second comment about what you'd rather see than new poses.
I'm sure there's loads of stuff more along the lines of what you want in 3.1, they just haven't revealed it yet. Wesley Phoenix if you're going to attempt to argue with someone, please be sure to properly read what someone says. I clearly stated that XIV is MORE hand-holdy. Clearly the sarcasm went over your head. Point has been made. nothing else to see here lol. I did run in T13 pre-nerf and have run Alex Savage, but thanks for assuming I didn't.
Moonfire Faire
Treat it like a side quest. Completely optional. The road to 50 isn't that long. I think if you spent three days at a pace of 12 hours a day, you'll probably do it. If you're crazy enough, You started this week and are level 47? Will there be event yukata this time too? I read they were available in the Moonfire Faire last year? .I just hit 20 after 2 weeks buy FFXIV gil ...debating if this is worth my time...will prolly check it out. Thank you for your answers. I'm familiar with the side quest things, as I played WoW since vanilla and am used to the holiday events, I guess what I meant to ask was; what kind of items can you get, and do you have to be of maximum level? Coyne McLeod, it really didn't take too long to do with my fiancé.
Mostly seasonal items like bikinis for girls and trunks for guys. Kinda like that. Last year's event was we get yukatas, this year will be different. The 1st moonfire was quite special. As it was celebrating the "Realm Reborn", you could hear the hymn on the plazas.
It was quite moving, specially if you watched the videos of how the game ended. A unique experience imo.
Back then it made me rly proud of being a FF14 player. Lol I found the leveling to be faster than WoW, and after having 10 level 100s in WoW fully geared before most had their first fully geared, I'd say that I'm rather adequate at leveling when I am focused. You do not have to be max level, 47 is more than enough. Moreover, the yukata will be added to the mog station soon if you want them. The items in the post on the site are free if you complete the quest. Thank you Erick Meyer, you answered everything I needed! Most seasonal quests require you to be at least level 15 and have been able access to airships on the 3 main city states. If you attuned to their aetheryte, then it's faster. ^^ This chick is really proud of the fact she has a "fiance". It doesn't look like the Yukata is available in this event...? Picture is very misleading -. check mogstation when the event starts, seems they put all of last years stuff up there. Yup previous years rewards are in the shop this go around.
Mostly seasonal items like bikinis for girls and trunks for guys. Kinda like that. Last year's event was we get yukatas, this year will be different. The 1st moonfire was quite special. As it was celebrating the "Realm Reborn", you could hear the hymn on the plazas.
It was quite moving, specially if you watched the videos of how the game ended. A unique experience imo.
Back then it made me rly proud of being a FF14 player. Lol I found the leveling to be faster than WoW, and after having 10 level 100s in WoW fully geared before most had their first fully geared, I'd say that I'm rather adequate at leveling when I am focused. You do not have to be max level, 47 is more than enough. Moreover, the yukata will be added to the mog station soon if you want them. The items in the post on the site are free if you complete the quest. Thank you Erick Meyer, you answered everything I needed! Most seasonal quests require you to be at least level 15 and have been able access to airships on the 3 main city states. If you attuned to their aetheryte, then it's faster. ^^ This chick is really proud of the fact she has a "fiance". It doesn't look like the Yukata is available in this event...? Picture is very misleading -. check mogstation when the event starts, seems they put all of last years stuff up there. Yup previous years rewards are in the shop this go around.
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The Moonfire Faire returns to Eorzea
The Moonfire Faire returns to Eorzea for summertime fun! Woo! Moar events please! you FFXIV for taking over my life! heart emoticon . You never had to be max to do any event. They are usually around lvl 15. Do I have to be max level to do the event quests? Nope. If it's like past events, you probably only have to be level 15. Nope but they do tend to have a level 15 req. Cool! This will be my first time experiencing an event in FFXIV and my NIN is only 37. Have fun!! They usually have really good stories too! The main one that pushes the levels is the Lightning one that happens every so often, and that requires you to be level 47 or something, but the others just need 15 or so.
They always have the best rewards! Hope you enjoy your first event. It looks like the FATEs will be around Costa del Sol and thats a level 30-35 ish area for FATEs buy FFXIV gil . Just hit 41 on my BLM can't wait to do this event. I recently attended a Eternal Bond Ceremony. Very well done. the only one that required a high level character was the lightning event, one of the fates was in mor dohna and thus llvl45 ish, most are 15 (because that when you get access to airships and thus the rest of the game world) New events? No. Let's just repeat them.
FF13 event should return too now watch.
There's a difference between the two, moonfire is an annual holiday in eorzea, whereas the xiii event was nothing more than a one time thing that was voted back by more than 80% of the players. They change up the events every year, and put up the previous rewards on Mog Station. Thank you for making the event items dyeable this time! It's amazing how something so small makes the rewards so much better eh? Can someone explain this fest please? I'm a new player and started this week with my fiancé. We are both new to the game (only level 47) as of a week and have never heard of this event until now. smile emoticon If yukatas come back it will be in store for people who missed it.It's just a side thing that you can do mainly to get the seasonal items/gear. These items don't really make a come back as they make new items for the various seasonal events every year. (They might be available at the mog station later on though, if you want to pay real money for it)
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They always have the best rewards! Hope you enjoy your first event. It looks like the FATEs will be around Costa del Sol and thats a level 30-35 ish area for FATEs buy FFXIV gil . Just hit 41 on my BLM can't wait to do this event. I recently attended a Eternal Bond Ceremony. Very well done. the only one that required a high level character was the lightning event, one of the fates was in mor dohna and thus llvl45 ish, most are 15 (because that when you get access to airships and thus the rest of the game world) New events? No. Let's just repeat them.
FF13 event should return too now watch.
There's a difference between the two, moonfire is an annual holiday in eorzea, whereas the xiii event was nothing more than a one time thing that was voted back by more than 80% of the players. They change up the events every year, and put up the previous rewards on Mog Station. Thank you for making the event items dyeable this time! It's amazing how something so small makes the rewards so much better eh? Can someone explain this fest please? I'm a new player and started this week with my fiancé. We are both new to the game (only level 47) as of a week and have never heard of this event until now. smile emoticon If yukatas come back it will be in store for people who missed it.It's just a side thing that you can do mainly to get the seasonal items/gear. These items don't really make a come back as they make new items for the various seasonal events every year. (They might be available at the mog station later on though, if you want to pay real money for it)
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fifa 14 vs fifa 15
ifuculy finding opponents on fut xbox one Fifa 15. Ok so in few months FIFA will completely change in favor of Real Madrid-.- Barcelona will be weaker as it is now in fifa 15, real madrid players physical so strong even i succeeded to pass a through ball they can come back and push my forward to the side, and when they push Messi and he falls down there is no buy FIFA 16 coins fault, but there is when it's a madrid player, Banter Ner Fernando Casas , then why was Pique and Xabi Alonso on the cover of fifa12.
Ah oh! Real Madrid extra OP on next fifa.
Great... Ronaldo will be able to fly above the other players, just so to make sure you can't tackle him doubly so haha. You know what that means? OP real madrid. How about filtering how many times you face Real Madrid. I don't want to play them every match anymore. Rules why? Real Madrid and all Spanish teams still licensed there in #PES, it's just EA trying some advertising FIFA 16 PC Coins to avoid going down this year, cause they know that PES 2016 gameplay is master this year man.
How about filtering how many times you face Real Madrid. I don't want to play them every match anymore. EA, please could try and get more international teams (mens) licences for FIFA 16 as teams like Portugal and Romania and Uruguay just look odd in game, also more stadiums (iPro stadium please), (no reason, just because it would be nice). Just try and recreate the world cup add-on as there were some good aspects in there. Your's sincerely, Jack. Let me guess only for Xbox ONE and PS4 grin. For PC will be Fifa 15.1 just like you did with fifa 14 grin. I hope you will do better with 17 or 18 smile. Good luck grin. How about making title just FIFA and every year just make patch that includes player transfers, new jerseys, boots, graphics like some other game developers are doing it grin. that would have been #value
Graphics must be from xbox. Look shocking and nothing like players especially Ronaldo!
Ah oh! Real Madrid extra OP on next fifa.
Great... Ronaldo will be able to fly above the other players, just so to make sure you can't tackle him doubly so haha. You know what that means? OP real madrid. How about filtering how many times you face Real Madrid. I don't want to play them every match anymore. Rules why? Real Madrid and all Spanish teams still licensed there in #PES, it's just EA trying some advertising FIFA 16 PC Coins to avoid going down this year, cause they know that PES 2016 gameplay is master this year man.
How about filtering how many times you face Real Madrid. I don't want to play them every match anymore. EA, please could try and get more international teams (mens) licences for FIFA 16 as teams like Portugal and Romania and Uruguay just look odd in game, also more stadiums (iPro stadium please), (no reason, just because it would be nice). Just try and recreate the world cup add-on as there were some good aspects in there. Your's sincerely, Jack. Let me guess only for Xbox ONE and PS4 grin. For PC will be Fifa 15.1 just like you did with fifa 14 grin. I hope you will do better with 17 or 18 smile. Good luck grin. How about making title just FIFA and every year just make patch that includes player transfers, new jerseys, boots, graphics like some other game developers are doing it grin. that would have been #value
Graphics must be from xbox. Look shocking and nothing like players especially Ronaldo!
Where's your 2 trebles Real fans oh wait you guys have never won a treble.
Very thought to win Real Madrid now we ll be impossible..In real life not so difficult. Graphics must be from xbox. Look shocking and nothing like players especially Ronaldo! Pretty much every company uses playstation for pics and gameplay simply due to better quality, which means even playstation can't make players look good.
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Final Fantasy 14 gils Raiders how to make Goblin, experts teach you how to quickly earn a million, the crowd rushed
The following comes from international service experience with the national service may be a slight difference, for reference only. It is said that the first test version of the dress 2.16, all the information in order to prevail. The following article appeared called international service translation to the national dress version will prevail.
Most items in the game minutes HQ and NQ, namely high quality and ordinary quality, price is not the same property. buy FFXIV gil
Listed first gold (Gil, hereinafter referred to as G) on the basis of origin:
1. quest (including mainline, branch, occupation and daily tasks)
2. a copy of the monster drops (wild monster negligible)
3.FATE awards (main incentives for military votes, G less)
4. A copy of the Finder reward
The above four methods that can be obtained from the system G, most of the revenue came from most of the players in this direct (new number reaches full level generally single career save to around 350,000, it takes about 1 to 2 weeks)
In addition, there are several options: cheap FFXIV gil
45 or more to break down the three stones, 55 equipped with a low probability of four precious stones, fighting a battle to install only gem, the only manufacturer to manufacture equipment (55 CP Ring exception, all kinds of random gems, including All the most expensive gem grade 4 VIT). It should be noted that all the equipment has a small probability of property gems, please enjoy playing favorites (heard an assembly of seven kinds of properties can summon Dragon).
Conditions: The preferred way of fighting career is white magic, alternative Archer, Dark and call; manufacturing methods for the manufacture of any profession full level
Advantages: early versions gem is astronomical, especially the highest demand three gems
Disadvantages: brush strange numbing
Select nine
Several options will be more than reasonable mastery, their own that is the best choice.
The following comes from international service experience with the national service may be a slight difference, for reference only. It is said that the first test version of the dress 2.16, all the information in order to prevail. The following article appeared called international service translation to the national dress version will prevail.
Most items in the game minutes HQ and NQ, namely high quality and ordinary quality, price is not the same property. buy FFXIV gil
Listed first gold (Gil, hereinafter referred to as G) on the basis of origin:
1. quest (including mainline, branch, occupation and daily tasks)
2. a copy of the monster drops (wild monster negligible)
3.FATE awards (main incentives for military votes, G less)
4. A copy of the Finder reward
The above four methods that can be obtained from the system G, most of the revenue came from most of the players in this direct (new number reaches full level generally single career save to around 350,000, it takes about 1 to 2 weeks)
In addition, there are several options: cheap FFXIV gil
45 or more to break down the three stones, 55 equipped with a low probability of four precious stones, fighting a battle to install only gem, the only manufacturer to manufacture equipment (55 CP Ring exception, all kinds of random gems, including All the most expensive gem grade 4 VIT). It should be noted that all the equipment has a small probability of property gems, please enjoy playing favorites (heard an assembly of seven kinds of properties can summon Dragon).
Conditions: The preferred way of fighting career is white magic, alternative Archer, Dark and call; manufacturing methods for the manufacture of any profession full level
Advantages: early versions gem is astronomical, especially the highest demand three gems
Disadvantages: brush strange numbing
Select nine
Several options will be more than reasonable mastery, their own that is the best choice.
Final Fantasy Collectors
I think I went a bit hard core myself. I got bard to 60 and blm to 58 so far and I am out of quests now too. But I am trying out the new jobs and leveling up my gathering classes now too. So still lots to do. I actually stopped midway in leveling my WAR and DRG and the msq so I could level up DRK.
There is soooo much to do after MSQ and hitting 60 xD.. Just gotta want it. So he is 180, with rava wep and full 180gear apart from one ring right ? Atm i got drg and ninja 60(had early acces) and left primals ex cos i didnt wanna finish content (idont craft). He got the Ravana WAR weapon last night. Don't think it is possible to be in i190 gear until the patch tho. From my understanding the only thing that is i190 are the Ravana weapons FFXIV Gil.
War 60 gldsmth 60. If he doesnt have 100 mil gil theres still stuff to do lol. Final Fantasy crazy? We are! So if you want to see and share collections? Want latest news on everything Final Fantasy? Or would you just like to chat all things buy FFXIV gil Final Fantasy to a friendly and welcoming community? Final Fantasy Collectors is the place to be! I see many deaths in the first 50 runs lol. i heard we'll need to do at least 60 more moogle quests to gain access.
My tanking skills though, maybe not. Elder scroll online is better... No im dead serious. Hit level cap on 14 and got instantly bored... Moved on to eso and the pvp is the best man. You're kidding right lmao. Eso was pretty awesome ten years ago.... When everyone beat skyrim. Skyrim was released in 2011... Learn your elder scrolls facts. ESO is a bad excuse of an elder scrolls title. Not even developed by Beth.
Have release on console still no PC controller support. Refuse to play that game until they add controller support. Even then I wouldn't play it much.
There is soooo much to do after MSQ and hitting 60 xD.. Just gotta want it. So he is 180, with rava wep and full 180gear apart from one ring right ? Atm i got drg and ninja 60(had early acces) and left primals ex cos i didnt wanna finish content (idont craft). He got the Ravana WAR weapon last night. Don't think it is possible to be in i190 gear until the patch tho. From my understanding the only thing that is i190 are the Ravana weapons FFXIV Gil.
War 60 gldsmth 60. If he doesnt have 100 mil gil theres still stuff to do lol. Final Fantasy crazy? We are! So if you want to see and share collections? Want latest news on everything Final Fantasy? Or would you just like to chat all things buy FFXIV gil Final Fantasy to a friendly and welcoming community? Final Fantasy Collectors is the place to be! I see many deaths in the first 50 runs lol. i heard we'll need to do at least 60 more moogle quests to gain access.
My tanking skills though, maybe not. Elder scroll online is better... No im dead serious. Hit level cap on 14 and got instantly bored... Moved on to eso and the pvp is the best man. You're kidding right lmao. Eso was pretty awesome ten years ago.... When everyone beat skyrim. Skyrim was released in 2011... Learn your elder scrolls facts. ESO is a bad excuse of an elder scrolls title. Not even developed by Beth.
Have release on console still no PC controller support. Refuse to play that game until they add controller support. Even then I wouldn't play it much.
FFXIV easy mode for the story
Best part about this raid is that it will have an easy mode for the story. What's the ilvl for entry? I hear 165 and 175 being thrown around a lot so not sure. There's no minimum requirements as far as I know. But different people like different ilvls. That's why it's from 165 - 175. You're probably not gonna find a party if you're less than ilvl 165 most likely. Ah I see. I'm 167 so should be fine, thanks! Ilvl typically does not get attached until it gets put in the duty finder. Like with the coils.That being said, ilvl 165ish sounds about right for atleast the first part.
I can't wait until you get a ps4 and me and you just get hella into this game. Duude, I need this in my life right now. It's $20 right now at buy FFXIV gil toys r us . Ima buy it this weekend hopefully and get started on a dragoon or something . Idk but ima try to make a vaan avalon character first . Is that the monk or the ninja armor set? the one on the left. Which one, the one holding ninja weapons? From Left to Right:
From my initial knowledge... Monk and ninja share gear. But MNK is STR and NIN is DEX, the only share gear up to ilvl110 because in 2.4 when NIN was released it needed gear so they used the MNK as the core. Mnk is getting beat down in this expac. Makes me sad. Simon Lykkegaard - it's a BLM, not SMN. The rest seem correct, though.Yeah guess its ninja gear
But why you saying monk aren't good in this expansion? Regardless of damage, they got crazy skill animation, like a real kung fu player lol.
I can't wait until you get a ps4 and me and you just get hella into this game. Duude, I need this in my life right now. It's $20 right now at buy FFXIV gil toys r us . Ima buy it this weekend hopefully and get started on a dragoon or something . Idk but ima try to make a vaan avalon character first . Is that the monk or the ninja armor set? the one on the left. Which one, the one holding ninja weapons? From Left to Right:
From my initial knowledge... Monk and ninja share gear. But MNK is STR and NIN is DEX, the only share gear up to ilvl110 because in 2.4 when NIN was released it needed gear so they used the MNK as the core. Mnk is getting beat down in this expac. Makes me sad. Simon Lykkegaard - it's a BLM, not SMN. The rest seem correct, though.Yeah guess its ninja gear
But why you saying monk aren't good in this expansion? Regardless of damage, they got crazy skill animation, like a real kung fu player lol.
FFXIV Au'ra naming mechanics
I was suppose to be ready on Friday, but still haven't gotten my early access code. Maybe I didn't keep up with the story correctly. Iceheart is an ally now? i didnt watch anything about this on the press conference buy FFXIV Gil ... why?
This game has its own platform for media during e3. Looking forword to the story. Are those new limit breaks? Does anyone know if they even put up Au'ra naming mechanics yet, or did I miss it? Great trailer but I felt like the music was too loud and I could barely hear the dialogue. ;-; LOVE this game so much! But PLEASE SE, make some armor sets without skirts for my tank! Kind of losing interest to continue this game. dancing for money so I can afford this expansion.. twerk requests not allowed. Is it Friday yet!? If someone could cast haste it would be greatly appreciated! Welp you have succeeded in hyping me. ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN. I was really hoping Alphinaud would not be a part of Heavensward. I'm so tired of his attitude. Warrior of darkness?!!!
Are ps3 early access codes coming tomorrow? Anybody know? Not ready / ran out of spare time order it but won't be able to use it (RL ) got in the way. What class was the one that summons all those swords? will there be a download ahead of launch to avoid the server cluster or no? Revived the hype a bit for me, been taking a break after beating T13 colonthree. Still a gamer then candice, final fantasy 7 cheap FFXIV Gil remake coming out too! For those who are saying they dont see the other classes.... they released pics of whatever class is not in this video early and the remaining were in this video. as much as I would love to see the monk LB animated im glad they showed the others.
This game has its own platform for media during e3. Looking forword to the story. Are those new limit breaks? Does anyone know if they even put up Au'ra naming mechanics yet, or did I miss it? Great trailer but I felt like the music was too loud and I could barely hear the dialogue. ;-; LOVE this game so much! But PLEASE SE, make some armor sets without skirts for my tank! Kind of losing interest to continue this game. dancing for money so I can afford this expansion.. twerk requests not allowed. Is it Friday yet!? If someone could cast haste it would be greatly appreciated! Welp you have succeeded in hyping me. ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN. I was really hoping Alphinaud would not be a part of Heavensward. I'm so tired of his attitude. Warrior of darkness?!!!
Are ps3 early access codes coming tomorrow? Anybody know? Not ready / ran out of spare time order it but won't be able to use it (RL ) got in the way. What class was the one that summons all those swords? will there be a download ahead of launch to avoid the server cluster or no? Revived the hype a bit for me, been taking a break after beating T13 colonthree. Still a gamer then candice, final fantasy 7 cheap FFXIV Gil remake coming out too! For those who are saying they dont see the other classes.... they released pics of whatever class is not in this video early and the remaining were in this video. as much as I would love to see the monk LB animated im glad they showed the others.
DFO leveling guide
I play MMOs all the time. I know what goes into it. This isn't my first time and lvling isn't my issue. My issue is putting a lvl restriction on something that is suppose to be available at any lvl for all players cheap dfo gold. Not those lvl 30 or more. It clearly seems that you playing MMOs at all is the actual issue. I don't get why the ah would be a problem whatsoever considering you barely even invested in it, basically entitlement without even some small sort of investment. And yes, 2-3 days is the average, but this doesn't mean you have to get to lvl 30 in 2-3 days. Furthermore, why do you need Auction House at all? Like really? Everything is pretty much fed to you with the drastically increased drop rates at lower lvls, and now we have the equipment boxes as well. But wait... You play MMOs all the time right and you work 6 days a week and lvling is not an issue? Wait a minute...anyone see the astounding level of contradiction there?
Ah man, just saw this as I opened the launcher. But better service is fine with me DFO gold . i hope i get my fp back that i just lost geting to the boss room a warning would have been nice before shutdown in game maybe? Cash Ranger This was an emergency maintenance, there was no notification as far as I can tell. George Sykes I agree maybe 10 minutes forewarning would have been nice, but I also can't fault Neople too much for leaping on trying to fix whatever the heck's going on with the servers. it seems the maintenance is done, however I can't play... what's up?
Yeah, those disconnects were a problem. I activated my goblin pad and got the party play gift and both disappeared when the channel crashed. It's alright guys, lets just gather around a campfire and sing songs of our beloved Neople until they finish! ^^ Anyone know how much longer we looking at for this maintenence update ? I mean, I don't mind waiting, but why have the progress bar stuck at near 100%?...
Ah man, just saw this as I opened the launcher. But better service is fine with me DFO gold . i hope i get my fp back that i just lost geting to the boss room a warning would have been nice before shutdown in game maybe? Cash Ranger This was an emergency maintenance, there was no notification as far as I can tell. George Sykes I agree maybe 10 minutes forewarning would have been nice, but I also can't fault Neople too much for leaping on trying to fix whatever the heck's going on with the servers. it seems the maintenance is done, however I can't play... what's up?
Yeah, those disconnects were a problem. I activated my goblin pad and got the party play gift and both disappeared when the channel crashed. It's alright guys, lets just gather around a campfire and sing songs of our beloved Neople until they finish! ^^ Anyone know how much longer we looking at for this maintenence update ? I mean, I don't mind waiting, but why have the progress bar stuck at near 100%?...
DFO Female slayer game play
Female slayer Confirmed ( kinda )
cause if you go back to the post mentioning jerry losing weight it says.Moreover, when Female Slayers is introduced, to celebrate the release, there will be cash shop discount depending on how many kilograms he loses. so that pretty much confirms we are getting female slayer june 9th along with the cera shop.And Offical launch is june 9th, so, they pretty much buy DFO gold have confirmed Female slayer.
Dear God I hope you're right.. I need avas lol. Honestly, I'm gonna take your word for it for once. lol. Well i don't think they would go into offical launch and still not have the cash shop Implemented, And they'll likely give us a new class to Celebtrate the Offical launch.
So possibilty of Female slayer, being introduced with act 3 is Good. Kinda betting they stagger the launch of F.Slayer. Do two subclasses first and then the next two. It makes sense. But for now we'll have to wait and see. I hope so. I mean they used a spot of her showing up on the title twice (dunno if on purpose) once at 0:20 and again at 0:56 ( easy to miss the second one). Joshua D'Urzo, that is Female Gunner/Launcher. Not Female Slayer. Really hope you are right f slayer is coming, going to be great to play this game again. thats what I was talking about Steven Bass xD
and yes Rusty, it is the 85 title. which only shows M.mage, F.slayer, Dark knight, and Creator on it. HOWEVER! if you watch the other promotional videos with game play. they 1:cut a lot more out of the bottom (the pill and assist box can be seen in this video) and 2: NO ONE has a title. even in the knight sequence of obt 2, which is the only other time the pill and assist thing can be seen, didn't have a given how neople likes to be a tease. and likes to try and be subtle, this COULD (not saying it is) be a hint of Female slayer happening.
cause if you go back to the post mentioning jerry losing weight it says.Moreover, when Female Slayers is introduced, to celebrate the release, there will be cash shop discount depending on how many kilograms he loses. so that pretty much confirms we are getting female slayer june 9th along with the cera shop.And Offical launch is june 9th, so, they pretty much buy DFO gold have confirmed Female slayer.
Dear God I hope you're right.. I need avas lol. Honestly, I'm gonna take your word for it for once. lol. Well i don't think they would go into offical launch and still not have the cash shop Implemented, And they'll likely give us a new class to Celebtrate the Offical launch.
So possibilty of Female slayer, being introduced with act 3 is Good. Kinda betting they stagger the launch of F.Slayer. Do two subclasses first and then the next two. It makes sense. But for now we'll have to wait and see. I hope so. I mean they used a spot of her showing up on the title twice (dunno if on purpose) once at 0:20 and again at 0:56 ( easy to miss the second one). Joshua D'Urzo, that is Female Gunner/Launcher. Not Female Slayer. Really hope you are right f slayer is coming, going to be great to play this game again. thats what I was talking about Steven Bass xD
and yes Rusty, it is the 85 title. which only shows M.mage, F.slayer, Dark knight, and Creator on it. HOWEVER! if you watch the other promotional videos with game play. they 1:cut a lot more out of the bottom (the pill and assist box can be seen in this video) and 2: NO ONE has a title. even in the knight sequence of obt 2, which is the only other time the pill and assist thing can be seen, didn't have a given how neople likes to be a tease. and likes to try and be subtle, this COULD (not saying it is) be a hint of Female slayer happening.
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Share for the Vanu Vanu
Share for the Vanu Vanu or like for the Gnath to let us know which one you want to learn more about! As long as neither takes us through the Sylphlands, I'm good. Aside from enemies every 3 steps buy FFXIV Gil that giggle and plot while you walk through their maze like paths. the sylphlands is congested with enemies, most of which come in packs of 3 and most of which hit you with spells, which can cause Heavy. What's so bad about the Sylphlands? How about the tons of cheap FFXIV Gil enemies that are obnoxiously placed so that it's near impossible to maneuver through without being afflicted with heavy. Or better yet, how about the toads that like to yank you to them whenever they get aggroed which cancels auto-run. Also I have all of my jobs over i110 so no I'm not a wimp I just don't want to be bothered by pointless enemies when I'm trying to rush to fate that is wrapping up or perhaps a hunt NM.
Not to mention it has Ochus, Malboros, and other nasties that cause annoying status effects. Nothing is wrong with Sylphlands. People just can't take on multiple enemies at once, alone...... wink emoticon wimps Wait till the level 60 cap. Nothing will auto attack in Sylphlands ever again. Whenever they inflict me with Heavy I look for the one who gave it to me and kill it.^I just stopped doing that one entirely. It's not the sylphlands is the sylphs themselves. Most annoying beast tribe ever. I keep saying i wanna mash em up and sell them under the name "this one is mulch".
it may be actually worse than sylphlands though..... according to live letter the normal mobs will be stronger , and might be too difficult to fight more than one alone. As long as they don't inflict heavy, they can be strong XD. "Oh hey your heavy is about to wear off let me just cast it again!" squint emoticon . To all those asking what's so bad about the Sylphlands: Do the level 44 sylph beast tribe quest Perilous Pumpkin. That quest is why I'm glad I don't have to go back there anymore unless for hunting log reasons.
Not to mention it has Ochus, Malboros, and other nasties that cause annoying status effects. Nothing is wrong with Sylphlands. People just can't take on multiple enemies at once, alone...... wink emoticon wimps Wait till the level 60 cap. Nothing will auto attack in Sylphlands ever again. Whenever they inflict me with Heavy I look for the one who gave it to me and kill it.^I just stopped doing that one entirely. It's not the sylphlands is the sylphs themselves. Most annoying beast tribe ever. I keep saying i wanna mash em up and sell them under the name "this one is mulch".
it may be actually worse than sylphlands though..... according to live letter the normal mobs will be stronger , and might be too difficult to fight more than one alone. As long as they don't inflict heavy, they can be strong XD. "Oh hey your heavy is about to wear off let me just cast it again!" squint emoticon . To all those asking what's so bad about the Sylphlands: Do the level 44 sylph beast tribe quest Perilous Pumpkin. That quest is why I'm glad I don't have to go back there anymore unless for hunting log reasons.
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