cause if you go back to the post mentioning jerry losing weight it says.Moreover, when Female Slayers is introduced, to celebrate the release, there will be cash shop discount depending on how many kilograms he loses. so that pretty much confirms we are getting female slayer june 9th along with the cera shop.And Offical launch is june 9th, so, they pretty much buy DFO gold have confirmed Female slayer.
Dear God I hope you're right.. I need avas lol. Honestly, I'm gonna take your word for it for once. lol. Well i don't think they would go into offical launch and still not have the cash shop Implemented, And they'll likely give us a new class to Celebtrate the Offical launch.
So possibilty of Female slayer, being introduced with act 3 is Good. Kinda betting they stagger the launch of F.Slayer. Do two subclasses first and then the next two. It makes sense. But for now we'll have to wait and see. I hope so. I mean they used a spot of her showing up on the title twice (dunno if on purpose) once at 0:20 and again at 0:56 ( easy to miss the second one). Joshua D'Urzo, that is Female Gunner/Launcher. Not Female Slayer. Really hope you are right f slayer is coming, going to be great to play this game again. thats what I was talking about Steven Bass xD
and yes Rusty, it is the 85 title. which only shows M.mage, F.slayer, Dark knight, and Creator on it. HOWEVER! if you watch the other promotional videos with game play. they 1:cut a lot more out of the bottom (the pill and assist box can be seen in this video) and 2: NO ONE has a title. even in the knight sequence of obt 2, which is the only other time the pill and assist thing can be seen, didn't have a given how neople likes to be a tease. and likes to try and be subtle, this COULD (not saying it is) be a hint of Female slayer happening.
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