This game has its own platform for media during e3. Looking forword to the story. Are those new limit breaks? Does anyone know if they even put up Au'ra naming mechanics yet, or did I miss it? Great trailer but I felt like the music was too loud and I could barely hear the dialogue. ;-; LOVE this game so much! But PLEASE SE, make some armor sets without skirts for my tank! Kind of losing interest to continue this game. dancing for money so I can afford this expansion.. twerk requests not allowed. Is it Friday yet!? If someone could cast haste it would be greatly appreciated! Welp you have succeeded in hyping me. ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN. I was really hoping Alphinaud would not be a part of Heavensward. I'm so tired of his attitude. Warrior of darkness?!!!
Are ps3 early access codes coming tomorrow? Anybody know? Not ready / ran out of spare time order it but won't be able to use it (RL ) got in the way. What class was the one that summons all those swords? will there be a download ahead of launch to avoid the server cluster or no? Revived the hype a bit for me, been taking a break after beating T13 colonthree. Still a gamer then candice, final fantasy 7 cheap FFXIV Gil remake coming out too! For those who are saying they dont see the other classes.... they released pics of whatever class is not in this video early and the remaining were in this video. as much as I would love to see the monk LB animated im glad they showed the others.