
Blade & Soul team

Just curious about 2 things! Will there be support for other language inputs to switch around from? Just like in Asia servers where they support multiple languge input. Second is the membership star icon beside the name, is there an option to not display this icon? Thanks~  Good insight. Been wanting to read/learn a bit more about the whole transmuting process. and the chances is slim are so slim , i burned 30g & got nothing decent Blade and Soul Buy Gold ..

This is one of the features I had a hard time with. Thanks for info. 26 days away, so close yet so far. The game needs to hurry so i can make a character just to stare at its butt. "Click to learn more" offers only founders pack, already have one. NO IP Block right? Im in Asian region, i want to play even i expect i will experience slight delay.

Did you guys have fun Beta Testing? Did you miss BT but still excited for launch? I'm going to be starting a fun guild off the get go and hope many people will partake so we can all play and learn and have fun together. I won't write to much on it but you can find the details here.Blade and Soul will be free to play with no IP plock except for Russia (CIS region). The game will go live on January 19th 2016.

You will have only two options.Blade and Soul Gold This is to play on the NA server or the EU sever. There is no plan at this stage to host a local server in your region. You will play with high latency, which makes it basically unplayable. Its not worth gambling through transmutation to get a rare perm costume unless youre loaded with gold. Better off to buy costumes off from cash shop lol. I only want to know 1 thing , what will be the price of VIP for 30 days. Probably $15 or so like most subscriptions. I might be wrong though.  Hello Blade & Soul team. this is off topic but i did write on beta forums without any reply. Everytime i try download the client directly from the site or via email link it keeps telling me server not found. I had to remove launcher from computer as it kept failing to update. Been like this for about 3 weeks now.

I got a error like this when I did not apply cbt code properly, you have to apply the code in two different places, once when you enter it and once to apply to your account. If you did not have a code for any of the betas it would give you the same error.

