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Larsson, people died on both sides. The USA throw atombombs on hundred thousands of civilians.A war is always a loss!So think before you try to insult someone... Well, this went outta hand pretty fast xD. Tamara, je laat wel een spoor van haat comments achter he xD. Agh Maurits, ik ben gewoon een gruwelijk sarcastisch persoon, you either love me Guild Wars 2 Gold or you hate me. The amount of English speakers in Germany is so much higher than in other countries of comparable size (Spain, France, Italy, Poland, etc.) Viktor Andrén I happen to know several Germans, all of whom are tri-lingual and very acceptant of wordly languages. As a German speaker myself, I can say you are not helping. Last I checked germany like other countries teach English to their citizens in school. It's a requirement.

Eli Cottyn They call him Birdy because his mommy has to chew his food for him. Viktor Andrén How many Germans do you actually know? What you are saying is bullsh*t. Guess what? I am German and I do play games in English and German as well because I can. Arena net always been weird when it comes to german, I remember when I was a kid I made a lot of fun and jokes about Hitler's moustache, in guild wars 1 i was banned for 1 hour, and the name hitler was censored. Worth it. In other games nothing happened. &nbsp Cheap GW2 Gold ;Don't really get the problem here. It's making fun of a dictator, so yeah.. Bad men receive bad jokes? xD

You guys get the irony of making fun of a dictator moustache and being banned for "fk live"? People are evil, and want to make you obey you. A few german people make fun of other languages, make fun of greece, online everday, created wars and have no shame about it and whatever each culture has they manage to feel superior, but that is okay in their eyes however this are same people capable of banning a child in a online game for making fun of a dictator's moustache.
If the same amount of evil had to be punished, how much the germans should be punished in your logic? Tortured for eternity? Why don't we do that? Because we are more kind than you.

Germans what you gain in such malice? The only word that has logic and make us understand the german way of thinking is "Schadenfreude" a german word that only exists in german I think.

Schadenfreude means harm-joy. HOW YOU CAN BE SO EVIL TO EVEN HAVE A WORD FOR THAT.

