Ofc there were BRDs, but they went wrong with the terms. BRDs are that 21% on lime green; they just tossed BLM there, so there are actually 2 BLM portions for 2014. Just a typo. Sorry one more thing is make it easier for people running dungeons and raids by keeping people who do not know how to play out of the content by making them work for it and not giving it to them. this is done by making dungeon gear more superior than the rest. I enjoyed the census very much. I probably added at least a zillion Yoshida Aion Gold shouts to the realm... We still need Healers and Tanks the most XD. When was this data gathered? I swear more than 3% of the population is Au Ra. You have to take into concideration all those players who tried out the game and didn't like it back when the game was still ARR and didn't sub past the trial period. They're the ones who are making the race distribution a bit off. It'd be good if they showed what the actual active player race distribution is, as that would be a far more accurate representation of what the distribution is.
No, they aren't. They even said that the Free Trials do not account for anything when it comes to numbers. The census takes into account all characters ever made, all those level 1 gil spammers, all the characters made on trial accounts that never bough the game. All of it. A proper census would be level 50+ characters only. Negative. Look it up. It's been stated SEVERAL times when also quiting the accounts in service at the moment.