
FFXIV White mage or a Scholar

Wondering if i should be A White mage or a Scholar first?

Everyone says white mage has potent heals answer sch has a lot of damage reduction skills. Also hear that white mage are preferred for end game content.Hmmm I will just start off as white mage (hope i can max out before heavens ward comes cheap FFXIV Gil)Both are preferred in end game content. Neither is better than each other. WHM a and SCH compliment each other extremely well. It's not 100% needed, but it makes dungeons way easier and smoother. I would level both.Exactly.. in fact, double sch/double whm parties really irk me XD Listen to them because I haven't leveled either FFXIV Gil.lol. It really depends on what you're comfortable with as far as healing. I enjoy both though. Niether WHM nor SCH are preferred for endgame. If you want to level two classes at once, go Scholar, you'll get a DPS and a Healer because you can switch to Summoner when it's needed or if you need to kill something faster. SCH/SMN share the same base class (Arcanist).

Both have equally good healing skills, a SCH has more of a chance to DPS while healing a dungeon than a WHM does though while levelling since a lot of WHM skills (e.g. regen) will gain you hate really quickly if cast at the wrong time. On the other hand if your tank loses aggro to the fairy it's not that big a deal because you can just re-summon the fairy if it dies. I'm just speaking of levelling purposes - both are good healing classes and they use the same gear even if stat priorities are a little different.I do both. They're both good for different reasons. It'll be a matter of what you prefer. As far as healing style goes basically Scholar focuses on proactive healing while White Mage focuses on reactive healing. Depends on which type of this you prefer. Of course there is more to these two than this but at the base play style between the two this is what I really comes down to in how they are used for end game. I prefer scholar play style but depends on which of those two focuses you'd rather prefer to play under.I have both, white mage good for fuller stronger heals, scholar for negating damage.The difference is in how they heal, a SCH doesn't throw in big numbers because he usually doesn't need to -its shiels absord damage, so while it's up the player won't suffer damage, while whm just had bigger heals and more healing skills.

SCH is really all about shield.I find SCH funnier to play, since I can dps even in raids if the whm is good, or if I tell him to keep an eye on the party so I can help with dps checks and so on if I'm with my static. Plus, no MP problem.But I may be biased since I just can't level a WHM. I don't like the class, can't even play it further than lvl 22 :| I like versatility.But as a SCH you either learn how to use the fairy on obey, or you waste lots of healing potency.

