
Best Halloween event of FFXIV

Disappointed in the rewards but ABSOLUTELY loved the event. Thank you! This event is a lot of fun, but the rewards are lackluster at best. That's not what I meant, I just wish there were more than just a minion, 2 orchestrions a food item, and an emote. Even if there was just a reskinned mount, that would make it a little better. On top of that the armor this year doesn't compare to some of the past gear from other events.

Phil Taylor also they brought back lightning event like 3 times so yeah Buy FFXIV Gil... This event is the best so far! It reminded me of the very first Summerfest on FFXI where we had to run around places like Den of Rancor as lvl 1s with invisible/sneak on . I'm not saying this costumes make me wanna start playing again, but these costumes make me wanna start playing again.  I was so close to re downloading it the other night! I'll consider it, it is really fun, and we did never finish the xpac. David Pease yeah I'll consider it too. The raids were amazing. Loved the halloween decorations everywhere! Eorzea never looked more stunning.

Enjoyed the custom instance really well done Cheap FFXIV Gil but the rewards were a little lackluster. It was fun..i liked the haunted house but in my opinion it was too short and not enough rewards to be had from the vender. So nice its a special dungeon. I had a good time today with my friends. So pumped for the event! I keep hearing so any great things about it. Keep it up SE !! This outfit distinctly reminds me of bloodborne, I like it. I did a run this morning and it was a lot of fun (had no clue what I was doing luckily my group did). Great special event.

Best Halloween event yet! Thank you also for the music from the past 2 years!! Oh dear lord I hope my new monitor gets here tomorrow. D: I never miss All Saints! I got the broom mount last year was hoping for a new mount. lmao you're lucky you got it last year because that wasn't the first time they came out with the broom mount in the halloween event.


FFXIV Red Mage

Puppetmaster!!!!!! I need my robot buddy back. Red Mage please for 4.0 I want red Mage samurai and chemist. Rumor has it it's red mage, samurai, and another going by the abbreviation IDS. Well I was kind of picturing red mage as a sword dps (since we still have none) using enspells and magical looking dps attacks. At the same time if we get samurai..we know it won't be a tank. So would they add two sword dps? Prolly not. So maybe like Sam dps, rdm tank or healer and an unknown healing job/tank job.

If you think back they removed small shields from game months ago. FFXIV Gil (I can see redmage using bucklers)..I'd be fine with rdm and Sam as a dps job though lol. Im still waiting for a scythe wielding job or (one can hope) Gunblade. Though that would make more sense for a future expansion if we ever go to somewhere like Garlemald. I'm rather certain next expansion will be set in Ala Mhigo though.

I concur with red mage being sword dps. They could use rapiers to keep it weapon exclusive. And samurai could definitely be the tank. Samurai used to tank all the time back in ffxi. Cheap FFXIV Gil Since they switched DRK from dps to tank (from 11 to 14), I can see them doing the same here. I also saw that IDS could be "Idol Singer". I saw this on a random reddit post, so take it with a grain of salt, but the idea would be that it is more along the lines of a dancer.

Everyone wants dancer as healer SAM as a tank and Red Mage as dps.  Obviously Samurai will be a healer where you stab your party to full health, and your AOE heals are slash shockwaves.  If you are all caught up on the main story quests, you'll see in a certain cutscene why a looooot of people heavily suspect red mage coming in 4.0. I would love an Xbox One version of the game. Don't have a PS4 and I will be building a gaming PC this month but i wants it now.