
bring the game time cards for FINAL FANTASY XIV

Shame that this FFXIV is covered with one of the worst communities I've ever had the misfortune of playing with.

If this game was a single-player experience it'd be great but all the rage-quitters who leave after buy FFXIV Gil the slightest mistakes, elitists who covers every inch of main locations and refuse to help in the slightest and game-play experiences which totally closes off players, both vets and moderate players, from engaging in the first place I'll give this expansion a pass.

Its hard enough that a lot of the game requires that you play with that cheap FFXIV Gil like in the first place... I know Square Enix is the one that distributes this, but could you please bring the game time cards for FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn.

I′ve been dying to play that game again, especially with Heavensward coming, so please bring the cards to México, i believe there are many gamers just like me waiting for the cards to come.

Also i do know about the online account where you can keep your online time, but i just have no way to maintain that.

