
Blade & Soul dungeons

At the end of day beside all your comments God or bad trolled or not you play a free game witch as many free games if you complain they don't give a crap because like I said IS FREE smile emoticon and them support is optional ( of course is laggy , of course. I quit cause I can't play ) but that is just the way it is. When we fix a bug to dance? When you fix your problems with the entrance to the dungeon and PvP lobby? When the corrected pvp because currently a total failure.When they finished eternal lag in the game?

What NCSOFT gonna do about this Bots Blade and Soul Gold ?!!!!!! Have to manny on faction we cant even do our quests!!!!! Do something before we get out from game! i never see unbalanced pvp like blade and soul realy sad i choose to play a bd and now i want leave this game u make it the more worst class .....I also like this class but I just can't find a real balance to get advanced so I quit bd . The day you get rid of bots the day your servers be more occupied by real people. Dont wanna get rid of it because you probably get share for people who buys gold.

Blade & Soul when are you gonna remove bots and spammer from the game? and when are you gonna banned speed hackers? and its really worth playing it for free? Dear B&S staff. I loved this game I really do and would like to continue supporting it. I've been having optimization issues since day one and everything I try doesn't seem to work. I pretty much gave up on the game due to the insane grind needed and to play in such horrible framerate. buy Blade and Soul Gold I play alot of other games on ultra but this is the only game i have issues. I'm sure you heard these complaints alot and will do what is possible to correct them.

did you try installing a a not crappy computer? even my laptop runs this game fairly smooth. Really smooth? My computer we build ourselfs. Great thing. No problems in other games. But I get a whole lot of lag in dungeons, fighting... Sometimes I just stand there for like a minute pushing buttons, but nothing happens... And I'm not the only one who has these problems..

