
FFXIV Yokai event

Also paid service what paid service is it like blizzcons? yay more awesome songs on the way. read that right, $600 each? o.o Susan Calloway sings both "main themes" for the game, Dragonsong and Answers. I THINK the Primals are the band that does a lot of the more "rock" themes for the game such as Shiva's theme, Oblivion, TItan and Leviathan's themes.

So basically they perform some of the game's more well-known music. (Europe) Show us how you celebrate the third anniversary in The Rising Screenshot Contest – now underway! FFXIV Gil  Hey guys Im recently getting started in the game again after leaving in feb im currently on faerie it seems kinda low pop is there a server that has more people? or more raid focused fc's?

I have an alton Marlboro and yes there are ton's of solo people, that's the one thing i noticed versus Fairiie server. Marlboro has alot of noobs and solo players.. When I need to get stuff done I have no problem finding people on Malboro. Lol I never use party finder and if you wanna raid find a FC or if you're desperate use duty finder. Never had any problems with that server and I've been playing on it since the beta. Don't be hatin. Hahaha.Been on malboro since beta also, Buy FFXIV Gil but leaving next week. There's only legit like 3 raiding FC's on this server lol malboro also has one of if not the lowest savage clear rate on the data center.

Able to do anything to fix the Yokai event thousands of Yokai Yokai medals I have or if that's just wasted space again and I got to delete something that should have never been in the game in the first. Thank you for giving us a firework we can drop on people after we kill them in pvp!

