Enna Mae tks friend, I am living the way the national game server halfway around the world, network lag affecting me a lot Blade and Soul Gold and made my gaming experience becomes very bad ... Enna Mae i play assasin and only lose pvp by delay skill . unfortunetly this game is all about Ping so yeah if you want to PvP seriously your ping should be on the 45-50 mark or 50-80 mark this game is all abot who loads and lands their stunlock combo spams first basically.
Yu Drag i feel ya mate, all i can say is double check all your network settings and keep giving it your best . Peter Mendez I checked all, the best network-> the ping 270-> 300, I live in Vietnam, the way game server halfway around the world. Peter Mendez I checked all, the best network-> the ping 270-> 300, I live in Vietnam, Buy Blade and Soul Gold the way game server halfway around the world . NA and EU submissions for our 2016 Blade & Soul Costume Design Contest.
Wow. So many amazing and creative designs! Makes me so angry that the community wasn't allowed to vote this time, and even more angry that the team chose the most unoriginal, copy/paste art-stealing design that didn't even meet some of the criteria they gave for the contest in the first place. Can you come out with some sexy cute costumes for gon females? They are always too covered/ or too older lady looking ;( Jin version of costumes is always cuter and younger looking.