Noble barding and FFXIV Gil bluebird earrings are so cute! a red orthodox barding, how lazy are they? When can we pre-order the New expansion? dood hasn't even been announced yet, wait til fanfest in october. Balmung has a horribly long queue. Please fix it...
This is a brand new problem for me too. And, it's not like there is any new content. So...I don't really understand the sudden 2,000 person queue. Kristi Bivens Jimerson Seems like the server went kaput? There was some emergency maintenance done on all NA servers on the 1st, maybe something went wrong. Cheap FFXIV Gil Well...I guess I'll go back and play some Stardew Valley on Steam since I can't play XIV right now. I don't have an hour or two to wait in queue. lol
Too bad I'm in NA... I'd definitely go with Azys Lla... Azys Lla, come for the glitzy lights... stay for the exotic plant life...Wanna make a commercial together? he winners for the Heavensward Primal Haiku Contest have been announced! Check out the winning entries and indulge in primal poetry! Looking for a playstation free company (where almost everyone has a mic) on the behemoth world.
I'm Glad that FFXIV team is currently in my country!!, i hope they encourage people to play this awesome game, cause i feel that i am the only mexican playing it... well at least in a JP thats because wow lost so many subs in so little time they practicly had to make it part f2p p2p and increase the sub and xpac prices to compensate for lost proffits.