the ss itself, as an backstep, works fine for me usually, it doesn't have an iframe at some bosses though. It works fine at Hae Mujin, however on both winter mane and blood mane the dmg and cc gets through to me when using ss, no matter how I time it. It only works it one out of 5 or 6 tries, even though it's said to be one of the longest iframes. My destroyers other iframes never fail to work though. This is because of the badly optimised game , the game doesnt always register all the commands , check for example .
I'm conscious of how outdated this will sound,Blade and Soul Gold but I wanted a second chance at getting the Regium Corvus.As for the disconnects, bots, spammers, and absurd imbalance in Arena despite the balance... I think I'll stay away from those murky waters.
I wouldnt get too excited they'll probably bring it back in a lockbox or something equally dumb. Lol it even says as a part of the costume rotation so it'll be in the store not in a loot box.... Need to sort out your AoE markers still get hit about 3m outside of them Blade & Soul. Is there any problem with the server?wecant seem to log in and before we got dc the server was so lag any news? Could anyone tell me why launcher just closes after i enter email and pass.
server down right now? can't even run the launcher and logging in. Haha, whichever actually has pants for female characters and not just leg warmers and undies. Did not have rhis issue tell the update and then it started a few days later cant even play fix the dame game please. The one that removes Gameguard and allows normal people to play the game again with no lags, error 4049's, or disconnects.