Listen, it's fine when you have a currency exchange that lets people sell NCoin, for gold, as that way all the gold, and items, were gained through in-game play. Although when you keep putting these items in the cash shop, Blade and Soul Gold and having cash shop heavy events that provide such items, that's when you're going too far, and people can reasonably say the game has gone pay to win, as those paying real money can see a very direct, and significant advantage over those that don't considering the level of grind in the game.
Get all those dungeon tokens, materials, and so forth out of the cash shop. If you aren't selling enough costumes, then take the hint, and give us the wardrobe so we have somewhere to Buy Blade and Soul Gold put them. Not selling enough premium subscriptions, then once again, take the hint, and make the premium service not suck until you level it up, by removing the idiotic leveling process for it, and maybe beefing it up a bit too.
Not enough people playing, then get your heads out of your asses, and take note of all the many people that have been complaining about the terrible game performance of both the client, and servers since your alpha tests, then fix those problems. In this market, whales will only keep the game alive for so long, if you actually expect this game to be around for years to come, you'll need to do better than you have been.