Don't miss your player base that's still trying to get in and are frequently getting ignored or responded to by scripted emails from your highly co-operative staff! Is Player vs player? Or bot vs bot, player vs bot? Why serv jiwan 90% is Bot.I'm afraid of being banned for not using bot.abandoned server,delivered to bots.
arena is full of BOTS, everymatch, there is BOTS over 1880+,
DO SOMETHING!!!! it's not from today or yesterday Buy Blade and Soul Gold , it's been like this for WEEKS! again. DO SOMETHING!!!!!!! It's been like that a lot longer, should of seen what the Asian servers are like before we western players got relegated to only being able to access our respective EU/NA realms/servers unsure emoticon
Thing is, when it comes to Asian marketed games, a LOT of them are F2P and so attract bots regularly because in Asia buying gold etc isn't as frown upon as it's so common most just don't bother mentioning it, plus a lot of these companies have workers as well as students playing their games and running bots on the side with the students gettin free in game extras/upgrades and a wage etc...
Forsaken World was terrible for it at times and you'd see whole zone hubs and towns filled with bot avatars just standing around spamming chats or doing exchanges for gold or other items with players who just want to get ahead in the game.