Shut up and design for us, show us ur talented designs we will buy it done here. As much as im concern everyone have the same feeling about game mechanics and costume appearance but the game just release after so many years. U can wait so long for the release y not wait longer for new things to rollout. Every thing in this world is created for the main purpose to make money n creating jobs for ppl Blade and Soul Gold. And customers, developments, enhancements and time are just a factor in the world of business logics. Stop complain n comparing, want fast go play original korea server have everything u looking for. Cheers happy BnS-ing while im having bugs n errors running client .
Agree with lacklustre costumes. I spend heaps of money on guild wars costumes, coz they are amazing to look at. Plus dyes in gw2 rock. Yea, the costumes are begging for a dye system. Actually probably like some of the costumes if you had the ability to change the colors. Hell I would pay money just to unlock different dye sets lol. I need a dye systems. Can't always be red and black.
Melee classes are pretty much out of the question with the skill delay. Please consider adding an oceanic server. You will have more then enough players on it and if like me, they can play this great game as it's meant to be played they'll support you with their wallet. Man, Im finding It hard to get into the game. I was fine at first. But I started playing this game because of Warlock footage that I seen. When the game came out without the class I was heart broken. But I got use to it and started playing anyway. But now I know when the Warlock is coming out and Buy Blade and Soul Gold I'm finding it hard staying into the game know that I'm not using the class I want to play. I don't want to get any deeper int the game because I want to get deeper with the Warlock. This is a problem because I'm finding it hard to not play other mmos. I know if I play something else and like it its over. But I can't go without playing something. . . . I'm torn. My bodies saying download Bf4 or Eso. But I know its over if I do. God why didn't you guys just come out with all the classes? Why are you breaking my heart? "Your going down a path I can't follow".