The people saying git gud or "yer from WoW". Its great that you have a team with the perfect composition to clear and do savage. But some of us dont want to go super hardass mode just to do postgame content. And also, I STARTED with FFXIV in terms of real MMOs (cant count nexon stuff as real), I hated WoW for the longest time. When content becomes so hard that you must be the very definition of perfect then it is not good. cheap Blade & Soul Gold This is content that at least 30-50% of people should be able to accomplish, not 5%.
Lets hope 3.2 Raid as stated be around coil level again. If they pull the same thing again, they could get in trouble for subs. Happy holiday's to all of the devs! I know Christmas isn't super big in Japan like it is here in the US, but I hope you all have a wonderful New Year! smile emoticon
I hope I get to meet some of you at Fan Fest! Square Enix, you're a rational company. Act like it and give the FFXIV team more money so they can get more people on their team so Yoshi can make the content he wants to make. Like, say, 3 tiers of Alexander? Another EX dungeon? I feel like they are working too hard! They do need to have a bigger development division. Well ff xi is done so they will probably just keep a small team for maintenance and the rest hopefully get moved over and we see content more often. Ppl arguing about content being too hard, Blade and Soul Gold or lack of content thereof, dont realize that THIS is the real problem.
Merry Christmas Yoshi P, Soken and the rest of the awesome FFXIV team. Happy holidays dev team! You work so hard to bring us this amazing game! Thank you! I appreciate your hard work and vision that you share with us. Merry Christmas ffxiv team! I hope you do another one at eorzea cafe in Dec 2016 my wife and I will be there in akiba by then Thanks for the new Relic grind we all wanted to do the old content again so many more times ....... Christian Paul Afuang True.. it should be fine.. but we'll need to endorse the game especially put a video on Facebook to show other players It's epic! Nortz T. Lim We dont have to do that, 6k supporters are more than enough for NC to create an OCEANIA/SEA server, its really up to NCSOFT to decide and support their OCEANIA and SEA players. im sea player too playing NA server & it's works fine for me still managed to get 1680 n pvp.
Blade & Soul team
Just curious about 2 things! Will there be support for other language inputs to switch around from? Just like in Asia servers where they support multiple languge input. Second is the membership star icon beside the name, is there an option to not display this icon? Thanks~ Good insight. Been wanting to read/learn a bit more about the whole transmuting process. and the chances is slim are so slim , i burned 30g & got nothing decent Blade and Soul Buy Gold ..
This is one of the features I had a hard time with. Thanks for info. 26 days away, so close yet so far. The game needs to hurry so i can make a character just to stare at its butt. "Click to learn more" offers only founders pack, already have one. NO IP Block right? Im in Asian region, i want to play even i expect i will experience slight delay.
Did you guys have fun Beta Testing? Did you miss BT but still excited for launch? I'm going to be starting a fun guild off the get go and hope many people will partake so we can all play and learn and have fun together. I won't write to much on it but you can find the details here.Blade and Soul will be free to play with no IP plock except for Russia (CIS region). The game will go live on January 19th 2016.
You will have only two options.Blade and Soul Gold This is to play on the NA server or the EU sever. There is no plan at this stage to host a local server in your region. You will play with high latency, which makes it basically unplayable. Its not worth gambling through transmutation to get a rare perm costume unless youre loaded with gold. Better off to buy costumes off from cash shop lol. I only want to know 1 thing , what will be the price of VIP for 30 days. Probably $15 or so like most subscriptions. I might be wrong though. Hello Blade & Soul team. this is off topic but i did write on beta forums without any reply. Everytime i try download the client directly from the site or via email link it keeps telling me server not found. I had to remove launcher from computer as it kept failing to update. Been like this for about 3 weeks now.
I got a error like this when I did not apply cbt code properly, you have to apply the code in two different places, once when you enter it and once to apply to your account. If you did not have a code for any of the betas it would give you the same error.
This is one of the features I had a hard time with. Thanks for info. 26 days away, so close yet so far. The game needs to hurry so i can make a character just to stare at its butt. "Click to learn more" offers only founders pack, already have one. NO IP Block right? Im in Asian region, i want to play even i expect i will experience slight delay.
Did you guys have fun Beta Testing? Did you miss BT but still excited for launch? I'm going to be starting a fun guild off the get go and hope many people will partake so we can all play and learn and have fun together. I won't write to much on it but you can find the details here.Blade and Soul will be free to play with no IP plock except for Russia (CIS region). The game will go live on January 19th 2016.
You will have only two options.Blade and Soul Gold This is to play on the NA server or the EU sever. There is no plan at this stage to host a local server in your region. You will play with high latency, which makes it basically unplayable. Its not worth gambling through transmutation to get a rare perm costume unless youre loaded with gold. Better off to buy costumes off from cash shop lol. I only want to know 1 thing , what will be the price of VIP for 30 days. Probably $15 or so like most subscriptions. I might be wrong though. Hello Blade & Soul team. this is off topic but i did write on beta forums without any reply. Everytime i try download the client directly from the site or via email link it keeps telling me server not found. I had to remove launcher from computer as it kept failing to update. Been like this for about 3 weeks now.
I got a error like this when I did not apply cbt code properly, you have to apply the code in two different places, once when you enter it and once to apply to your account. If you did not have a code for any of the betas it would give you the same error.
Blade & Soul Founder’s Pack
I bought the founder's pack and apply a code several days ago . But I didnt receive any email about the alpha2 . I saw Purchase a Founder’s Pack before 5pm PDT on Oct 14 to get an invite into the #BladeandSoul Tech Alpha 2 this Friday! why So, for who is founder and will have access to the Alpha that starts tomorrow, you guys will send the download via email today? Or just tomorrow? How come I cannot login the game... Buy Blade and Soul Gold
Cheap Blade & Soul Gold ? I have a key and a founder's pack. You guys said it starts on the 16th and now it's the 17th and I still can't log in.
Now that I'm in The game gets an easy 4/5 for people who can appreciate the styling and humor; and are willing to change up a LOT of the default controls. For me anyway the various menus seem to be bound to un-intuitive keys.For your average person/gamer I don't think it will score as highly BUT THAT'S OK. It is a nice game that fills a specific role, please don't change it!...I take that back, re-record the word "conches" to have it pronounced properly as "Conks"AND the side/min-quest of growing your hongmoon weapon needs to be adjusted to provide the reward should you upgrade upon receiving the "element" (?) item, prior to accepting the quest. I wanted to join but your website won't let me make Blade and Soul Gold an account and I can't use the support feature without one... I received an Alpha code and have downloaded the client. However, I cannot connect to servers even though it is past the date and time listed on the invite. Additionally, I cannot access Alpha bug report forums to post about the problem. Is this intended? The forum seems like it could use some work. Alpha would be pointless if we can give you feedback or resolve technical issues.
Hi i need help, i know i'm late on the alpha week because i was away for school and recently just buyed the founders pack is there anyway i still can get in? I totally dislike the Inspect Character Feature !!!
I don't want someone copy my buildup! or avoid me in PVP because he already knew what my items capable of, or people being so choosy in party members... I've just purchased the a founderpack , where can I download the game?? A day or two before CBT begins, you will receive an email with your CBT code and a Download link. So any fixes for the Constant client Errors players have been getting like Client Error 4041? would be nice to get some form of confirmation or at least address the issues. I have just clicked on the apply the BnS code in main website. I couldn't do it before. Is it any bug or something wrong?
I will rather play Blade and Soul than Black Desert
Too bad Blade and Soul pretty much still alive even in KR and CN server the population are too high, not even close to dead and I think it will be the same too in NA market. Personally I will rather play Blade and Soul than Black Desert, Black Desert have a nice graphic but Blade and Soul have a better PVP and Gameplay System. If there wasn't a market for this game then NCSoft wouldn't be bringing it to this region. Does anyone remember how they tried to do it last year and then ended up disappearing for god knows how long? Probably because they were unsure of it then Blade and Soul Gold . But things have changed, obviously.
yes things have changed new mmorpg games out there a whole new level. blade and soul is old the system the graphic. maybe it release 4 years ago then people really into it but now nahhhh. if u really love pvp then search moonlight blade awesome game but i guess it wont come to us....If u want pvp go play cabal, i played cabal for almost 4 years but the game is getting bored so i quit. i played blade and soul china version 2 years ago i really like it back then. but now u gotta step up with the game man. Awsm Storm lol ur first time play mmorpg??? if u dont want to farm for lvl go play counter strike or tetris. great news for ya too idiot there will be bots in the game like archage... i rather buy to play than ruined the game with bunch of bots and hacker dumbass.
every game will get bored after awhile same for bns. but if bns was release 4 years ago it would be big. they are taking their sweet time and destroy the game Blade and Soul Buy Gold .
every game will get bored after awhile same for bns. but if bns was release 4 years ago it would be big. they are taking their sweet time and destroy the game. this game system is old plus crappy graphic. That's true, combat in BnS gets pretty boring. So is endgame. The only good feature it has is probably PvP because you don't play vs CPU so yea... It is sad that he talks about system and graphics as if that is what games nowadays are about. IT WAS NEVER ABOUT GRAPHICS. Its about gameplay, story, music etc. People still play maplestory and old school rune scape. LIKE thos games have no graphics. And Black desert may look cool but my friend said it gets boring a little too fast.
yes things have changed new mmorpg games out there a whole new level. blade and soul is old the system the graphic. maybe it release 4 years ago then people really into it but now nahhhh. if u really love pvp then search moonlight blade awesome game but i guess it wont come to us....If u want pvp go play cabal, i played cabal for almost 4 years but the game is getting bored so i quit. i played blade and soul china version 2 years ago i really like it back then. but now u gotta step up with the game man. Awsm Storm lol ur first time play mmorpg??? if u dont want to farm for lvl go play counter strike or tetris. great news for ya too idiot there will be bots in the game like archage... i rather buy to play than ruined the game with bunch of bots and hacker dumbass.
every game will get bored after awhile same for bns. but if bns was release 4 years ago it would be big. they are taking their sweet time and destroy the game Blade and Soul Buy Gold .
every game will get bored after awhile same for bns. but if bns was release 4 years ago it would be big. they are taking their sweet time and destroy the game. this game system is old plus crappy graphic. That's true, combat in BnS gets pretty boring. So is endgame. The only good feature it has is probably PvP because you don't play vs CPU so yea... It is sad that he talks about system and graphics as if that is what games nowadays are about. IT WAS NEVER ABOUT GRAPHICS. Its about gameplay, story, music etc. People still play maplestory and old school rune scape. LIKE thos games have no graphics. And Black desert may look cool but my friend said it gets boring a little too fast.
Blade & Soul closed beta
We're hosting Sattelizergames right now on Twitch! Is the server online right now in NA? Have been trying to log in for 2 days now but always stuck in intro screen. can u see the menu for log in? A box appears that allows me to log in, it works and then the launcher appears, I press play so it launches the Game but the Game itself is just the looping intro Blade and Soul Gold . activate your code first from their website. The code that you received in your email. I had already applied the code.
Hi there! Can i ask? How many gig does the blade and soul have? And how about the specs? Hello. May i ask if the cbt client would work for the obt version too? Thankyou. There's no obt, just launch after CBT 5. I recieved the key for closed beta for the weekend and i have a trouble with the game, when i opened the game i cant did click for continue to menu... So how many character slots will free to play people have access to? Why i can't login ? Disconnected from server due error ? My internet connection is strong.
i have a problem on the game, when i starte is work but when i am on the game i got stuck in into screen frown emoticon cant find the menu for log in, any solution? Blade & Soul Gold Anyone have any extra codes they are willing to part ways with, messageme it if possible, thanks! Dungeons hunting party. pvp professional technician check winding Lynn inspection history. here's a season to be loli trollalalala lalalala.
Dudes u need to activate beta key from ur blade and soul web portal before u gain actual access to cbt. We're hosting Sattelizergames playing the Blade & Soul closed beta and giving away beta keys and Razer gear! so far so good! I'm loving the graphics, effects, and story line of this game. Hope this won't disappoint me in the mid level where it kinda gets repetitive.. Looking forward for more cinematics. Can't play the game when I log in windows says module stops working then it force closes please fix this. i have a question when the beta is over do we get to keep our character? There won't be an open beta, straight to game after this.
Hi there! Can i ask? How many gig does the blade and soul have? And how about the specs? Hello. May i ask if the cbt client would work for the obt version too? Thankyou. There's no obt, just launch after CBT 5. I recieved the key for closed beta for the weekend and i have a trouble with the game, when i opened the game i cant did click for continue to menu... So how many character slots will free to play people have access to? Why i can't login ? Disconnected from server due error ? My internet connection is strong.
i have a problem on the game, when i starte is work but when i am on the game i got stuck in into screen frown emoticon cant find the menu for log in, any solution? Blade & Soul Gold Anyone have any extra codes they are willing to part ways with, messageme it if possible, thanks! Dungeons hunting party. pvp professional technician check winding Lynn inspection history. here's a season to be loli trollalalala lalalala.
Dudes u need to activate beta key from ur blade and soul web portal before u gain actual access to cbt. We're hosting Sattelizergames playing the Blade & Soul closed beta and giving away beta keys and Razer gear! so far so good! I'm loving the graphics, effects, and story line of this game. Hope this won't disappoint me in the mid level where it kinda gets repetitive.. Looking forward for more cinematics. Can't play the game when I log in windows says module stops working then it force closes please fix this. i have a question when the beta is over do we get to keep our character? There won't be an open beta, straight to game after this.
it's free to downloadBlade and Soul except for the expansion
So it's free to download the game except for the expansion? Haven't found anything free.. have to buy it. What is the version I have to buy to be able to play the game? Since there are many versions I don't want to waste money in the wrong one. Realm reborn. And it's pay to play. And yes the exspanion you have to buy. But it's worth it. pls buff ninja, tested so many time with friends, ninja run out tp still way too faster than all classes in 3.1, still I dont use DoT skill at all, pls remove all the previous nerf to ninja! remove the stupid aggro skills and change to Blade and Soul Gold some attack skill, I never used them since learned, they so useless.
Rico Valentine Glad some people can do elementary level math around here. You forgot to add in the fact that you get 50 free Dragon Bags, which is about 20 euros on top of your total. You would also need to spend about 45 euros in order to achieve level 4 permium account, so that brings it closer to more like 250 euros.
If you plan on using even a portion of the Master Pack in the long run, it is much more financially worth it than spending on each feature individually.
If you have no capacity for planning for the future then leave it be. Free to play game after all. Paying is optional. Everyone making this way harder than it actually is Blade & Soul Gold .
Would be fair prices if the Real (Brasilian money) wasn't so low Don′t worry, in less than a year they will be the ones at the forum complaining about how they bought the founder pack and they got milked for it for a mediocre service and unupdated game years behind the original one in a 4 year delay since the game was out. Some people even argue early access is worth it... while a CBT key is worth a few cents.... They traded this game for Wildstar and when they realized that Wildstar was a fluke, they focused on this.
NCSoft is fake el oh el.
Rico Valentine Glad some people can do elementary level math around here. You forgot to add in the fact that you get 50 free Dragon Bags, which is about 20 euros on top of your total. You would also need to spend about 45 euros in order to achieve level 4 permium account, so that brings it closer to more like 250 euros.
If you plan on using even a portion of the Master Pack in the long run, it is much more financially worth it than spending on each feature individually.
If you have no capacity for planning for the future then leave it be. Free to play game after all. Paying is optional. Everyone making this way harder than it actually is Blade & Soul Gold .
Would be fair prices if the Real (Brasilian money) wasn't so low Don′t worry, in less than a year they will be the ones at the forum complaining about how they bought the founder pack and they got milked for it for a mediocre service and unupdated game years behind the original one in a 4 year delay since the game was out. Some people even argue early access is worth it... while a CBT key is worth a few cents.... They traded this game for Wildstar and when they realized that Wildstar was a fluke, they focused on this.
NCSoft is fake el oh el.
Mateusz Gil Blade dancer is the last
early october Mateusz Gil Blade dancer is the last xD, Blade master was the first. Wilson Eng Can't wait to release my koreean soul! You haven't yet seen my final form, damnit! Next beta is December 11 and end December 14 come on just 3 days not cool Blade & Soul why we can't use paysafecard anymore on your website? Buy Blade and Soul Gold I dont want to see Verification Code anymore..i got 9 Codes in 5 days..

I'm a big fan of the game ! the only problem that preventing me to enjoy BnS to the full extent is the network connection. frown emoticon I hope there is going to be a sever in South East Asia. guys any help??? i install the game but can't play it...i want to play please help can't connect to the server it say... You have applied your key to your account on the NCSoft site?
All I can suggest is to try again. Servers are up for another 12+ hours (from this writing)..... I see. Well, the program is not working because you do not have a Beta Key. Servers are offline now. Next Beta (#4) starts Friday December 11 at 10:00 AM PST. Get a key before then! It's not hard! Don't watch Facebook, they give info out too late. Create an account and watch the forums daily, they will let you know when a company is having a big giveaway (probably a few days before Dec 11). Also, many members will have unneeded keys and give them away (that will happen like one to two days before the 11th) Blade and Soul Buy Gold .
oh so sad its my birthday today and still trying for that beta key...anyway i try it again nextweek pls help me to have it...i hope i can talk to GM so ge can help me thank you Brian Sharwood for the info...hope to see you in game guys any idea when the nest beta key giveaway is gona be ? Have you seen new show Tha Badlands Jay! Right up your ally! Kind of gory though! by any chance would you be nice and release warlock on release? i got a question for u ADMIN...if i Customize my Char(hero), when the game is launch will i be able to apply it to my new creation ?

I'm a big fan of the game ! the only problem that preventing me to enjoy BnS to the full extent is the network connection. frown emoticon I hope there is going to be a sever in South East Asia. guys any help??? i install the game but can't play it...i want to play please help can't connect to the server it say... You have applied your key to your account on the NCSoft site?
All I can suggest is to try again. Servers are up for another 12+ hours (from this writing)..... I see. Well, the program is not working because you do not have a Beta Key. Servers are offline now. Next Beta (#4) starts Friday December 11 at 10:00 AM PST. Get a key before then! It's not hard! Don't watch Facebook, they give info out too late. Create an account and watch the forums daily, they will let you know when a company is having a big giveaway (probably a few days before Dec 11). Also, many members will have unneeded keys and give them away (that will happen like one to two days before the 11th) Blade and Soul Buy Gold .
oh so sad its my birthday today and still trying for that beta key...anyway i try it again nextweek pls help me to have it...i hope i can talk to GM so ge can help me thank you Brian Sharwood for the info...hope to see you in game guys any idea when the nest beta key giveaway is gona be ? Have you seen new show Tha Badlands Jay! Right up your ally! Kind of gory though! by any chance would you be nice and release warlock on release? i got a question for u ADMIN...if i Customize my Char(hero), when the game is launch will i be able to apply it to my new creation ?
Blade & Soul will we have our premium membership reset
1. Wardrobe: why not make it free for one character in the account
2. Translation: be more serious, story is not a joke! I love the story!
3. Bots: just keep 1 copper drop/0 copper quest! I like it! Make you farm more! No lazy ppl.
There will be a new map update on next week? For now, the CBT becoming boring, I have nothing to do ingame. So, if the Fleet supply chain update on next week, that will be great.. There are no open beta ! Just a straight release on Jan -19! And it will be available for both NA/EU. Guys check out my site and prepare for future streams on blade and soul! Dont be afraid to talk about it too Blade & Soul also watch for Blade and Soul Buy Gold !.
Blade & Soul will we have our premium membership reset? for us the ppl who activated our master packs on the beta? Joel Serrano Duh which game sells stuff for you only to have it in beta? The packs are supposed to be for the release version, so getting access to it in beta is like a bonus. Joel Serrano everything will be reset at launch as if it has never been used before. Nothing carries over from beta to launch. This was discussed earlier. So the answer to your question is yes premium membership will be reset to the original as if you never used your master's pack goodies including the ncoin. can anyone (an admin plz) tell me if we gonna lose all our progress in game when its launched. so i have to start form th beggining? bad news to me considering ive done a lot of thing in beta, They already told us from the beginning, ''all characters from CBT will be wiped at launch'Blade and Soul Gold '.
2. Translation: be more serious, story is not a joke! I love the story!
3. Bots: just keep 1 copper drop/0 copper quest! I like it! Make you farm more! No lazy ppl.
There will be a new map update on next week? For now, the CBT becoming boring, I have nothing to do ingame. So, if the Fleet supply chain update on next week, that will be great.. There are no open beta ! Just a straight release on Jan -19! And it will be available for both NA/EU. Guys check out my site and prepare for future streams on blade and soul! Dont be afraid to talk about it too Blade & Soul also watch for Blade and Soul Buy Gold !.
Blade & Soul will we have our premium membership reset? for us the ppl who activated our master packs on the beta? Joel Serrano Duh which game sells stuff for you only to have it in beta? The packs are supposed to be for the release version, so getting access to it in beta is like a bonus. Joel Serrano everything will be reset at launch as if it has never been used before. Nothing carries over from beta to launch. This was discussed earlier. So the answer to your question is yes premium membership will be reset to the original as if you never used your master's pack goodies including the ncoin. can anyone (an admin plz) tell me if we gonna lose all our progress in game when its launched. so i have to start form th beggining? bad news to me considering ive done a lot of thing in beta, They already told us from the beginning, ''all characters from CBT will be wiped at launch'Blade and Soul Gold '.
Daniel KrascsenitsI heard there's no Open Beta though.
Yeiner Lmus since it was closed beta which are like a testing period so its pretty much you have to start over from beginning. They do this in all closed betas, no matter what game you play. Blade & Soul thats really annoying why not ??? i know how you feel yeiner xD after around 46 narrow runs to get my evolve weapon .. just to run out of keys and have to end up buying one for NCcoins .... i kinda feel connected to my work on that account xD.
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